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How can I become a legend ?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Dec 5 2023 5:53 PM (28 replies)
  • Darrylj1964
    84 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2016 1:22 PM

    Funny about that.  When I advanced to TL I was at 1141 ranked rounds.  Now I'm at 1374 ranked rounds and my average just dropped to 58.98.  What gives?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2016 1:31 PM


    Tour Master to Legend: 61.00 average or less and 50 TM rounds counting.

    Legend to Tour Legend: 60.000 average or less and 500 L rounds counting.

    TL to Champ: 59.000 average or less and 200 TL rounds counting.

    Just a question, do wins against higher tiers still count? Remember the one and only Alex the Chicken.......he got to legend purely in that manner.

    @Don.......I can imagine how bored you would have got just playing Blitz and CTTH.......

    @the Op, as I said, I respect players that want to tier up, and for me, the challenges of legend tees was when I really first started to love the game. But with your will be a long haul even with blue skies and tailwinds.

    For players on the cusp of legend.......drop the driver and use a 3W, this will simulate the longer approaches you will be playing.


  • weejohn5
    66 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2016 5:11 PM

    I appreciate your [ and others ] advice here. It's a question of what comes first, the chicken or the egg ! I don't see the logic [at the moment] of buying better equipment as I still doubt I can lower my ave. to 61 anytime soon. I would prefer to reach legend THEN improve equipment ! I agree that I play very few "ranked" rounds, I find these boring as opposed to the excitement [and social interaction] of good close match-play games. I may have to re-think this. Cheers and thx. again to you and the other posters for some helpful advice minus the often sarcastic responses one encounters.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2016 5:27 PM


    Funny about that.  When I advanced to TL I was at 1141 ranked rounds.  Now I'm at 1374 ranked rounds and my average just dropped to 58.98.  What gives?

    Red Tees


  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Thu, Sep 22 2016 11:09 PM

    @alanti: I can't tell any facts, but I read about an unexpected tier rise or average drop every now and then. And: Why should they drop the feature? (inadverted changes nonwithstanding)

    I agree that I play very few "ranked" rounds, I find these boring as opposed to the excitement [and social interaction] of good close match-play games. I may have to re-think this.

    Your choice. If you find fun in your game, stay where you are. If you wanna become a Legend, play the right games. But, to be honest, your scores show a broad improvement potential...

    Have fun!

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2016 12:59 PM

    I'm not sure someone else didn't mention it, but Match Play games are not Ranked Rounds and your Match Play strokes do not apply directly to your Stroke Average.

    However, your performance against higher tier players in Match Play can effect your Scoring Average if you consistently beat higher tier players. We don't know what formula WGT uses for that but for Stroke Play games it's just basic math and not a secret.

  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2016 1:10 PM

    However, your performance against higher tier players in Match Play can effect your Scoring Average if you consistently beat higher tier players.


    What do you mean by quantity? 2, 5, 10 wins?

    I experienced drastic effects by beating ONE Legend as a TM. Same for TWO. Some reports suggest that it diminuishes with quantity. You know any different truth?

    Alas, I can't confirm with certainty that it happens still - do you?

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Sep 23 2016 2:03 PM

    I appreciate your [ and others ] advice here. It's a question of what comes first, the chicken or the egg ! I don't see the logic [at the moment] of buying better equipment as I still doubt I can lower my ave. to 61 anytime soon. I would prefer to reach legend THEN improve equipment ! I agree that I play very few "ranked" rounds, I find these boring as opposed to the excitement [and social interaction] of good close match-play games. I may have to re-think this. Cheers and thx. again to you and the other posters for some helpful advice minus the often sarcastic responses one encounters.

    If you really want to reach Legend before improving equipment I reckon you'll need to join a CC (or set up your own) and play red tee stuff.  Try the 9's where the par is 34 and abandon/restart any round that starts badly, aim to get at least one 30 or lower a day.  You'll soon get there.

    It's not the way I'd go about things but it should work.


  • kelly489
    436 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2019 8:35 PM

    Actually I have great clubs and got them by watching videos ( on phone while doing other things, and surveys) if you work it right you can buy better balls AND save enough credits to get better clubs.