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average required for tour legend

rated by 0 users
Fri, May 19 2023 8:51 AM (17 replies)
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  • damien063
    3 Posts
    Sun, Oct 2 2022 5:15 PM
    So how do you view your number of ranked rounds since your promotion to your current level. All I can seem to find is my total number of ranked rounds
  • bossbird
    2,209 Posts
    Mon, Oct 3 2022 10:27 AM

    I dont believe you can , you need to keep your own records, unless anyone else knows any different.

  • whodafuxdatguy
    5 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2023 3:45 PM

    My average has been 63 since I turned master. Has never gone lower or higher. Went from master to TM to legend within 2 weeks, so the 61 average theory for legend is incorrect 

  • Duphpherer
    450 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2023 11:17 PM


    My average has been 63 since I turned master. Has never gone lower or higher. Went from master to TM to legend within 2 weeks, so the 61 average theory for legend is incorrect 

    For the upteenth time, there are two very different paths to advance in tiers. 

    1. Required ranked rounds + required average score. Meeting these requirements guarantees advancement.

    2. Play a boat load of coin room games until some secret criteria is met. 

    I also fall into the latter catagory. Tour Legend with less than 300 ranked rounds. 


  • Duphpherer
    450 Posts
    Thu, Apr 13 2023 1:42 PM

    In theory, it is possible to achieve Tour Champion with zero ranked rounds. Again, there are two paths for tier advancement. One is well documented and other via coin rooms ... well who knows what it takes?  

    whodafuxdatguy's average will never change if he never plays rr, however he can still advance playing coin rooms only.


  • KDulin0
    5 Posts
    Thu, May 18 2023 6:31 PM

    I think that you advance quicker by spending more money. I've seen players in the 80 tier range and averaging around 70 who were tour legends. I've not spent a dime on the game. I'm at tier 110 with a 64 average and will probably never advance and I'm ok with that. 

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