You're very welcome and it was my pleasure.
Now let me tell you how that golf towel ended up on your golf bag down in Alabama....
Last Christmas I was shopping around for some golf gear for my golfing buddies, you know golf balls, towels etc. I find some golf towels and here is the description-
"This is an assortment of four 16"x24" golf towels. Assortment consists
of 4 towels with a variety of golf course and event logos."
and here is what I got-

Yep, four of the exact same towel with Alabama's Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail on them.
Now, I've never been to Alabama, I've never traveled through Alabama and at the time I didn't know anyone that lived in Alabama. So I tried to return them to Amazon, they told me to keep them and issued me a credit. I ordered the towels again and this time I got towels with logos from courses in California, Nevada, Arizona (exactly what I was looking for) and guess what the fourth towel was......yep, another Alabama's Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail towel!
I kept that last towel at home and figured I could do something with it. Then I saw this fun thread started by Paul and thought it would be fun keep the thread going by giving away the towel....and that's that.