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What needs to be said

Mon, Mar 21 2016 8:54 PM (68 replies)
  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 7:57 AM


     to VEGAS WADE         

    I like the part where you say to uninstall flash , then reinstall.....I think most will just update to the new version

    Each install will leave residual files, which is why it's best to use the uninstaller provided by Adobe. Also, when using Chrome, it updates Flash automatically with each new version, if you have Chrome updates automatically enabled.

    The nice part here is you'll find these suggestions make your computer run better overall. Computers are like people; they can get sick, too if not properly maintained.


  • hardwick1
    742 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 9:48 AM

    You know I have been a member for 6 years and for those 6 years I have been reading about this same issue and the same response from WGT.

    I have a simple solution. Re-read the compilation of the the last 6 years of reports and FIX THE PROBLEM!!!


  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 10:08 AM


    You know I have been a member for 6 years and for those 6 years I have been reading about this same issue and the same response from WGT.

    I have a simple solution. Re-read the compilation of the the last 6 years of reports and FIX THE PROBLEM!!!


    Think of how much and exponentially computers, systems, DSL speeds and programming has changed in the last six years. This is a brave new world of computer and programming capabilities, and those old reports are of no use anymore. It's not as simple as 'the problem". New problems, new reports, different problems, different effects and solutions.

    Players have different internet connections/speeds, settings, computers, operating systems, and browsers. There is no way that it is going to be perfect for everyone. Ever.

    ApexPC, puts it better than I do (from another thread).


    A vast majority of regular WGT players do not participate in these forums.  Players that do regularly participate in these forums that don't have problems don't often post that information which distorts the appearance of how many players have game play issues with disconnects, slow loading, blue screens, game freezes, etc.

    I don't doubt that many players have disconnect, slow loading, blue screens, and game freeze problems but because not all players have those issues indicates the player's own computer is the most likely suspect as the source of those kinds of trouble.


  • Lesthanpar
    1,454 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 10:32 AM

    I'll clean memory three or four times in a nine-hole round of golf.

    Even if it works this is ridiculous lengths to go to trying to get this game to play better.

  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 10:44 AM


    I'll clean memory three or four times in a nine-hole round of golf.

    Even if it works this is ridiculous lengths to go to trying to get this game to play better.

    One click, takes literally one second, and you don't have to leave the game. Try it.


  • irisheyez5
    1,753 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 11:28 AM


    You know I have been a member for 6 years and for those 6 years I have been reading about this same issue and the same response from WGT.

    I have a simple solution. Re-read the compilation of the the last 6 years of reports and FIX THE PROBLEM!!!


    Fact  is the problems will  never be fixed ....  WGT  is a for profit  online game  .... they dont want seasoned veterans  to stay ...reasons  ....  veterens know about and complain about glitches & rip offs ...... newbies DON'T.....veterans spend  alot less money  than  newbies upgrades etc....

    Did  anyone notice how fast they fixed  the flashing  words....  that  is due to  legal  ramifications (potential to cost money)  

    this is a  money making  game  ....  period  end of story  

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 12:00 PM

    Think of how much and exponentially computers, systems, DSL speeds and programming has changed in the last six years.

    And all those have changed for the better.  Why isn't the game playing better than 6 yrs ago? 

    People like you keep preaching the problems in the game are on our end.  The problems today have existed in one form or another for all those six years.  Meanwhile our computers have gotten faster and we have more and faster memory, we have bigger and faster disk drives and better graphics cards.  6yrs ago my internet connection used to be 15mbps, I've upgraded to get 50mbps now.

    But the same problems with the game still occur as they did 6yrs ago.

    It doesn't make sense that its our problem.  The problems are inherent with the game's design and they could fix them if they tried hard enough.

    The meter's too sensitive to other CPU activity.  Geezus, the meter is a simple progress bar type animation!  Look how complicated the animations are in the Flash Benchmark Test compared to the meter animation.  It can be done folks.  Without all the hoop jumping.

    Disconnects?  Only on WGT for me.  I'd like to know how they determine a disconnect happened.   No other website is seeing them.

    My point is with the computers and connections we have today, the game should have less problems.  Not more problems.

    Seems like common sense to me.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 12:01 PM

    Even if it works this is ridiculous lengths to go to trying to get this game to play better.

    This is the problem, the end user must jump through hoops or have workarounds to play, and even then there are no guarantees,

    Last night I played one 18 hole game, cleared caches and closed browser half way through, and finished despite a couple of left handed shots and blinking balls.

    So finished and thought a nine holer after clearing/closing etc..

    2nd shot blue screen, same result after closing out....3 times I said fook it, and this was a single player game.

    I have played long enough to know how to optimise my system....background processes at a bare minimum.

    So WGT lost out last night, as I did not persist, how many others that never complain (ie never write in or post in the forums) just fook off and never come back?

    Good business sense!

    Edit - totally agree with Andy system and connection is far superior than when I started, but have 10 times as many crashes/disconnections.


  • nammvett
    123 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 12:26 PM

    ...As usual...

  • VegasWade
    486 Posts
    Thu, Mar 17 2016 1:46 PM


    Think of how much and exponentially computers, systems, DSL speeds and programming has changed in the last six years.

    And all those have changed for the better.  Why isn't the game playing better than 6 yrs ago? 

    People like you keep preaching the problems in the game are on our end.  The problems today have existed in one form or another for all those six years.  

    There's a reason Flash is being discontinued. As a gaming format, especially multiplayer, it's far from optimal and always has been. It's being phased out now. And I hope I'm not coming off as preaching, Andy. I certainly don't mean to. I'm trying to help by offering tips that help me.

    As to benchmark Flash checker, my test results on Chrome, which is the browser I use to run this game. And thanks for that link.