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Tough-It-Out VT event: St Andrews

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 2 2015 11:43 AM (92 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 4:14 AM


    . I did however manage to take this snip of all clubs on my profile page with the score showing in left before i hit continue to the stats page.

    Good thinking about ^ that ^ Corwyn / Mags ?

    Perfectly simple for everyone ?



    Suppose the profile page shot could've been 'took' anytime on a much easier track /  layout, just need a few to marry up with whatever score you get with 'wrong' clubs

    Looks like that's a no go Razza


  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 4:16 AM


    I did however manage to take this snip of all clubs on my profile page with the score showing in left before i hit continue to the stats page.

    Nice idea, and quick thinking but...

    Edit: I defer to Corwyn's judgment below. I must be more lenient because I would personally except this. Any screenshot can be faked if someone wants to go to such an extreme - I just don't think anyone would bother for a sleeve! Corwyn is right to be strict though. You can't go accepting one kind of incomplete submission whilst disregarding others.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 4:24 AM

    Great idea. Another way to show the clubs in play, and only 1 pic required. VWD

    See my previous edit...

    I thought so too at first :-)

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 4:51 AM


    Suppose the profile page shot could've been 'took' anytime on a much easier track layout, just need a few to marry up with whatever score you get with 'wrong' clubs

    Looks like that's a no go Razza

    I'm afraid Andy's right. Even the apparent score showing top left on the profile page has nothing to tie it to the right round.

    Such a pic would be more conclusive if it showed a little bit more of the screen to include latest posted scores (if the new score already appears there as soon as the last putt is sunk?) ...

    ... but even then, there's nothing to stop a player shooting their TIO score with illegal clubs, then setting up even a 1-hole practice round of any easy hole with the right clubs, matching the under/over par score they want to achieve, and being able to take the same profile page pic.

    In Razza's example, it's only the timestamps on his computer that connect the different pics, and in theory, the clock can be changed easily on (all?) computers.

    [These pics even have the oddity that the screengrab during play as the ball fell in the hole on the final putt -- and it doesn't seem to be a replay -- shows 1 minute later than the post-game Experience Points pic.]


    @Razza: it was impressive quick thinking to get the screengrab as the putt was on the way, and good creative thinking to get and suggest these other pics as an alternative. Unfortunately, they won't stand up as an acceptable form of proof.

    I'm afraid we're still left with either Video Evidence or the Screengrab involving a Hover. Note it doesn't have to be on a final tap-in: you can take the same screengrab earlier on the final hole as a precaution against an unexpected hole-out. (It's only better if it's on the green since it proves green speed, but that's not essential in this version of TIO where we're all playing from a single-play tourney listing entry)

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 8:21 AM

    Razza's 12:49 pic was taken after the XP breakdown sub-screen was closed.  There's a second or so when the end of the final putt is shown again before the game client moves on to what's next.  That's also why there's no player info or score shown.  Note that he says he realized his mistake when the final putt was on the way, not that he took the screenie at that time.  

    I think Razza's score should stand.  Yes, there are elaborate ways to fake it, but that's true of the required screenshots as well.  

    Perhaps it's time to simply work with what WGT has given us...move everything back to the tips, and allow whatever optional clubs a player chooses.  We'd still need the starter irons to score a GIR on most holes, and the infernal starter putter to finish things off.  It's far from ideal, but it removes these very significant technological barriers to participation and guarantees that everybody is playing by the same rules.  As a bonus, it would be interesting to see the different choices in club selection strategy and how those choices play out on the course.


  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 8:30 AM


    Perhaps it's time to simply work with what WGT has given us...move everything back to the tips, and allow whatever optional clubs a player chooses.  We'd still need the starter irons to score a GIR on most holes, and the infernal starter putter to finish things off.  It's far from ideal, but it removes these very significant technological barriers to participation and guarantees that everybody is playing by the same rules.  As a bonus, it would be interesting to see the different choices in club selection strategy and how those choices play out on the course.

    Would make for a fun tournament. Unfortunately, to set it up WGT would have to make it a required starters clubs event in order that the glitches could be available. This would no doubt confuse plenty of entrants who would have to know to ignore the required starter info and read the blurb instead. It also doesn't resemble anything like TIO either. I've tried it and sub-60 is very doable when you have a proper driver and wedge, and either a long 3wd or 2nd decent wedge.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 9:11 AM



    Perhaps it's time to simply work with what WGT has given us...move everything back to the tips, and allow whatever optional clubs a player chooses.  We'd still need the starter irons to score a GIR on most holes, and the infernal starter putter to finish things off.  It's far from ideal, but it removes these very significant technological barriers to participation and guarantees that everybody is playing by the same rules.  As a bonus, it would be interesting to see the different choices in club selection strategy and how those choices play out on the course.

    Would make for a fun tournament. Unfortunately, to set it up WGT would have to make it a required starters clubs event in order that the glitches could be available. This would no doubt confuse plenty of entrants who would have to know to ignore the required starter info and read the blurb instead. It also doesn't resemble anything like TIO either. I've tried it and sub-60 is very doable when you have a proper driver and wedge, and either a long 3wd or 2nd decent wedge.

    Perhaps.  I said as much to Corwyn in a PM regarding the test tourney, but I can't recall if it was set at the tips or not.  Even if it was from the tips, we tested on Congressional and played TIO from the tips there as well, so it might not be the best example.  I doubt scores would be that low on Chambers, Olympic and Pebble (fingers crossed).

    I would think that changing the description of the required clubs wouldn't require the services of a software engineer, which is apparently the only reason they haven't fixed the glitch.

  • xprt
    7 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 11:01 AM
  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 11:44 AM

    Shot a very rusty 73, 1x 3 putt and a few edges missed for birdie..

    32:36 in the vid is where the stats are and also showing my clubs.

    I am very glad to see it isnt from the tips, although the headwind on 7 made it impossible to get to the fairway anyway lol

    Nice tournies, keep em coming..

    Link to my youtube channel



  • OleFernando
    162 Posts
    Sat, Aug 15 2015 11:55 AM