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Information on the 2 new tiers that WGT created

Fri, Oct 2 2015 3:44 PM (104 replies)
  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 8:00 AM

    I'm with a earlier poster thats bored always being within 2 inches of cup on every shot and -20.Lets remove all camera angles and green dots and lines.


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 8:17 AM

    It's true that averages are ridiculous.  I was at 53.32 (so saturated that only 27's and 26's were being counted) then shot a 27 in a cc tourney (mixed tees) and avg is now 54.  Haven't shot a round since so don't know what it will do and don't really care.  Not going to use up balls to chase the meaningless tiers that have been introduced.

    The reason I say the new tiers are meaningless (like my previous 53.32 avg) is that apparently even rounds from red tees are being counted.

    The new tiers represent something that's become too common around here, just another credit grab by wgt, much like the cc clash debacle.  They'd love to see players use up balls chasing a meaningless and superfluous badge.

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 3:43 PM

    They went and added more tiers after I left?  Guffaw.

    I don't think I could handle that grind.  I already went insane.  I'm through the looking glass on this one.

    Oh, and hello to all my friends from Dallas (I moved soon after I quit).  To all the people that don't like me - the open invitation to kiss it still exists.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 3:59 PM

    On a related note, was just reading in Scientific American that helminthologists have made the startling discovery that nematodes can learn to type.

  • toddles61
    170 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 4:35 PM

    Just a thought !!!!   Is WGT trying to get players to move over to Parallel?

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 4:39 PM

    I had to google "helminthologists", too effing funny.



    On a related note, was just reading in Scientific American that helminthologists have made the startling discovery that nematodes can learn to type.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 2 2015 11:52 PM

    The new tiers represent something that's become too common around here, just another credit grab by wgt, much like the cc clash debacle.  They'd love to see players use up balls chasing a meaningless and superfluous badge.

    The bit I don't get is why after the clash failed.

    Can't see behind the curtain for real numbers of course, but why are the new ideas kiddies grubbing yet again for a few short sighted $s this afternoon, no care to even the evening. 

    They have just made the next tier, at the very least, as big a joke as TL became before any one makes it (mods aside who are testing it / whatever)............Dat right there is no mean feat LOL.  How many are really going for that with any gusto? many as went for the flat on face clash????????

    Shame they missed an opportunity IMO, and can't say they were not told, but if it keeps them from fiddling with the actual game guess it might be a good thing.

  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Mon, Aug 3 2015 12:19 AM

    why are the new ideas kiddies grubbing yet again for a few short sighted $s this afternoon, no care to even the evening. 

    A very sinister phantasy (even for me) crossed my mind:

    They might not see any future for the Flash game, therefore any care for those flaws may have gone to avoid the costs for repairs. Instead, they might try to keep up the players' motivation with any possible gimmick - new clubs, new tiers, new and big virtual prizes (VT). It would fit to the picture if the final effort (and expenses) for Pebble 18 holes would be avoided - it had been promised early this year, now the promise points at spring '16 (VUSO?) and it's just another promise.

    Same thoughts concerning the mods' activities. We have been used to repair promises (We're looking at it). Today, they say "we will be looking at it", and they propose user's workarounds (?avoid repairs?).

  • bonesalone
    102 Posts
    Mon, Aug 3 2015 12:47 AM

    I don't forsee fmagnets making $2000 + per month in RG's anymore, assuming he becomes a Tour Champion.


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Aug 3 2015 1:45 AM

    'Camera Control – We've turned back on camera control during the game whether it’s your turn or not, so you can change your camera view as needed'


    That was in the Wgt Golf News post. After the last outage.

    So you can see what has happened to cause the problems with the Views 
