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** Release notes - 2/25/15 **

Sat, Mar 7 2015 4:23 PM (315 replies)
    4,019 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:29 PM


    I'll finish the games and not play more paid till the problems are very bad WGT solutions .

    More and more people are in the same boat as you.  They simply won't play.  I feel bad for the handful of people in Grande Oaks that are still in the running for Player of the Month or any of our major events.  End of the month and all.  Sucks for them to have to beat the course, their opponents and now WGT.  Perhaps WGT should be aware that "end of the month" usually coincides with "big" CC events..  

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:32 PM

    After 20 thread pages I think it is almost obvious that the matter will be snubbed and this because in 12 hours about, there only two comments from the Staff, unfortunately useless, as if to blame all those who wrote that the only thing that should work in the game client does not work, the meter. The jerky meter doesn't work, I can use all the internet browsers and it won't work as it worked yesterday; the best solution would be to pull off a back up and return to work on the latest release, just as there has always been asked, suggested and recommended.

    Before installing any updates make a back up, try it with daily users then release.

    I appreciate the willingness to "take sides" of their company but not always this kind of attitude is that winning especially at a time when customers who have decided to stay with WGT know that there is another platform, new and fresh, just on the next door.

    I do not think this is the attitude of a company that to date, indeed until recently seen the disaster of this latest update, was the sole and undisputed holder of his own leadership. Admit that the latest release has serious problems and at the moment there's nothing to do for being able to realign the game client is human, it is understandable and probably would be accepted but the resistance encountered in only two post of "response" is no longer veiled but tangible.

    I'm pissed off and regretted but I will continue to trust the Staff works.


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:35 PM


    it takes 9 shots a day w. a BD blitz round to get the 880 bonus,and that's what I will do until you undo this major screw up...

    1 shot potentially if do a random 1 hole...OK sometimes a couple more but just the one hole needed for full 880 CDP.

    That's the most several I know are doing until single play at the v least is sorted out.  After that, for me, it's CC stuff only until I see RGs / Brackets running smoothly for a while.

    After that if I were WGT I would start getting multiplay sorted ASAP as people will dwindle away if not.  After that RG choice (they get told every month so no mind reading needed) and quickly follow up with some stuff people want....CC upgrades..............They are a very long way away from a good product at this moment in time, and getting farther away every time they touch it.  

    All I am seeing is new dream prices with an ever more inferior product,  not usually a good combo that.

    I have no interest in player workarounds anymore.  WGT just need to sort out their act.

    See the head engineer has finished for the day already:

    Sorry for repeating this post but im still laughing at it lol. Not seen anything as funny on here since the one with John Cleese out boxing training when he comes across a car lol

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:35 PM


    Funny you all... this is clearly not a "clear cache situation".  We have spent the morning chasing down a few issues.  Here is the latest update. 

    1) The multiplayer invites not being received, is a very low level code issue and unfortunately very difficult to fix.  We have our top engineer on the task but no eta yet.  We will keep you posted.


    2) Last stroke disconnect - We have fixed the main issue, with this release.  This should not happen very often anymore.  There are more edge cases and if you see them, please report them to us and we will chase them down.


    3) Shifted "Ding" for putting - we have chased this down and will fix it shortly. Still figuring out what a jittery meter maybe.


    4) RG payouts - This has now been resolved and should not happen anymore


    5) Bracket display and progress issue - This has now been resolved and should not happen anymore

    Well  I have  a choice,  I will be patient  ,and give  WGT a chance to fix  things ,  I said  earlier   I would take a break from  this game ,  believe me WGT  I am already missing playing  . Thanks for your post take the time it takes  to  give us back the game we had just  2or 3  months ago .          Frapp   .               


  • billcliff
    2,616 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 2:50 PM

    You mods talk a load of crap how can you be the only ones without a problem? You dare not tell the truth you are frightened of the consequences, MAN UP for once.

  • Jresh0817
    1,414 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 3:00 PM

    This is as bad as I have ever seen the meter act up...this game is  completely  unplayable right now!!!

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 3:13 PM

    OK, with FF my game page comes up on another page, I think some come up in the same page in a new window(or new tab)...

    when I brought the game page up I could plainly see it was a lot bigger than usual as I use the arrows to make it full in options I reduced the flash quality to medium instead of high, and the page went back to normal size when I open it...and that isn't supposed to happen...

    played Cabo fr 9, while the meter was still jumpy, it wasn't racing through the hit zone after a jump, it was still bad, but playable...birdied 1st 7 holes and had  easy putts on 8 and 9 but they were straight and needed to be dinged and the direction is off if you hit the ding...shot a -7 anyway which sucks for cabo front side but it was for me to putt straight you had to hit the ding still even though it looks late....I'm gonna try it again later with the flash quality set to low and see if that helps.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,148 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 3:24 PM

    I've learned in this thread that the physics of the rough were changed a little while ago.

    Why? How? What? When? Where?

    All the changes in the last six months seem to have been "inspired" by someone who has never played the game

    And this latest update takes the biscuit.

    A rest from playing for a couple of days for me - although it could be longer unless the pile of poop is scooped up.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 3:26 PM

    Dan, you hit the jackpot mate and gave them something to work.

    Tested indeed the medium flash quality and the meter seems to be better but nothing like it was yesterday, but it's maybe a start for the engineers, hope there's still someone on the WGT buildings to take precious consideration on this one from Dan.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Wed, Feb 25 2015 3:32 PM

    Here is an update and thanks for your patience.  To give you a little context, based on the feedback by a majority of players we have been focused on 3 main issues for the last month or so.

    1) swing meter stuttering

    2) player disconnects

    3) invites being lost

    We put in a few changes for the swing meter in the release last night.  Clearly it made things worse for some folks.  We are guessing it has to do with the flash player version you are using.  For some versions it is better and in other versions it is far worse.  We apologize that we did not test for all the flash versions and let this into live.  We have a fix  and also rolled back a few of the changes which should resolve the majority of the meter issues, including the "ding" offset.    We do not have the facilities to test this fix for all flash versions and configurations, so yes you are going to be the test group for this.  I will keep you posted as to when this fix will go live and thank you ahead of time to give us feedback if it is better or worse (please be gentle we have feelings too).  


    Thanks for your help