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Replay causes lock up in single player game

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 24 2010 9:59 AM (13 replies)
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  • geoffalexander
    210 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 9:02 PM

    When I click on "View Replay" during a single player game, 90% of the time the game just locks up. I end up having to save & quit and then resume.  Is this a known issue?

  • scottxxy
    77 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 9:11 PM

    geoff--I'm having that problem too...had a couple of eagles lately I wanted to save to no avail....

  • Spiders1
    359 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 10:02 PM

    Happens to me every time I click replay. Not sure what wgt knows.

  • dave062
    28 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 10:05 PM

    Yes ,I get it all the time and driving me nuts , dont  just lose replay but entire round too[just what you need after an eagle] ,Reported the issue but heard nothing back of course.

  • happyman123uk
    1,242 Posts
    Mon, Nov 15 2010 7:42 AM

    Had a few myself they took it away for about a week why did they bring it back !!!

  • don300
    36 Posts
    Tue, Nov 16 2010 10:07 PM


    Yes ,I get it all the time and driving me nuts , dont  just lose replay but entire round too[just what you need after an eagle] ,Reported the issue but heard nothing back of course.


    Go to Save Game,  you should not lose the entire round.

  • moose67
    1 Posts
    Thu, Nov 18 2010 4:12 PM
    I sent this to WGT yesterday, no response yet.

        My username is moose67. I just finished my first game of the evening, it was a single stroke game at St. Andrews front 9. I was 1 over par on the 9th hole and I eagled the 9th hole with a 36 foot putt.
        I replayed the shot and saved it to my replays. Then the game window blinked and came up with message that an error had occurred and to close the window.
        Well, now there is not a record that I played that game or the eagle shot. A 34 or 35 score sure would have helped my poor average and that would have been my 2nd eagle.
        Is there any way to dig that game up and get it on record?
    Dave W.
  • freeswinger83
    22 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 12:00 AM

    WGT has been having this problem for a few weeks now. I've also had a few shots I'd like to save but to no avail. Not only that, but I also like to watch some putts that seem to mysteriously break harder than the green shows or not at all. They've been notified numerous times about this but every time they shut the site down for maintenance it is a problem they choose to ignore. Hopefully someone will read the complaints right before they shut down so it will be the 1st problem they try to solve.

  • Alertis
    3 Posts
    Sat, Nov 20 2010 1:45 AM

    this is Alertis,

              I'm having issues with how you can be having a great game and for no reason your shots become shorter than the club is rated and if you spend credits to buy balls they are directed into the water. If you need the money that bad just have a nominal user fee for your site. Don't n#&*%r people and give them cause to look at other online options.


  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Sun, Nov 21 2010 4:47 PM


    When I click on "View Replay" during a single player game, 90% of the time the game just locks up. I end up having to save & quit and then resume.  Is this a known issue?

    This has been happening for weeks. I have sent in 3 or 4 reports during rounds when it happens but WGT has not fixed the problem or bothered to respond to the messages. 


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