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Poaching of Club members

rated by 0 users
Thu, Nov 13 2014 4:39 PM (20 replies)
  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 2:20 AM


    I take a dim view of poaching members from other CCs.

    A much better method is to slow roast 'em and serve with buttery mashed potatoes and onion gravy.



  • ForeverHackin
    2,310 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 3:13 AM

    As an owner of a large club, I've seen my fair share of members coming and going. (and then coming back again) My club was also the target of a mass poaching attack by a small group of people who were dissatisfied with my club, went out and started their own club and then proceeded to pick off my members right and left. 

    True, ultimately it is up to the individual to make the decision to leave the club. After all, they make a conscious decision to click the proper buttons. BUT....I do NOT feel that invitations to join another club should be made available to people who are already IN a club. If they want to leave, I wish them all the best. To say that some may not know how to leave a country club is rubbish. As individuals, we are held responsible for knowing how to do so many things here on WGT, this is just another on the list. 

    Poaching from other clubs is a REAL problem and is not appreciated by other club owners. It is also not appreciated by club members who keep receiving multiple join invites but are loyal to their club. 

    Golf is a game of good manners and etiquette but club owners should hold themselves to an even higher standard. When they don't, WGT should have at least made this issue of poaching from other clubs impossible. 

  • Dubfore
    4,348 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 12:38 PM

    Take a look at the list of clubs from any country, I bet the first half dozen you scroll through you'll see a lot of defunct members -plus long gone 'owners'- and not a lot of activity, especially clubs with only a handful of members.

    Giving players in clubs like those referred to above the opportunity to play in a genuine active club that's well run, is not my definition of poaching.



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 9 2014 9:01 PM

    i think that if wgt would let club owners use the accumulated club credits for prizes it may, not saying it will work in the long run  ...  alleviate some of the problems


    Clubs don't have credits. The figure shown is the winnings history of it's members.
  • ostfriedel
    2,051 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 2:32 AM

    Poaching members from other CC´s might not be forbidden by the WGT-rules, but it is a very bad behavior. There is a much better way to build up a good CC: Recruit "newbies" that just start their career and dont belong to a CC and then coach them.

    For those owners that try to poach my members I have some tar and feathers.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Nov 10 2014 9:15 AM

    [quote user="pdb1"] Now I use the tournament results lists that list all tournament entrants not belonging to a CC .[/quote]

    After you brought this up, I noticed a lot of players without clubs. Great idea

  • Woodspider
    19 Posts
    Wed, Nov 12 2014 6:03 AM

    Was searching for this specific subject.

    Firstly I agree with "Twintig" that players do get those invites and then thinking that its a game invite wrongfully accept such an invite. It happened to me, I'm not upset about it as I've been a member of only one club since inception of the CC's and thus it was good to see what is happening in other clubs. Since then I returned to my original club.

    The reason why I was looking for any posts on this subject is cause today I got another invite like that, but because I know now what to look for I did not just accept blindly, but I was thinking, won't it be nice if WGT could connect invites from the club side (or even in all cases) to a one or two day "invetation club pass" That way the invited member can accept without quiting his/her club, have a look around at the new club, before accepting "full membership" at a new club. Players then can make an "informed decission" about joining a club or not and  "club hopping" can be cut down.