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Had ENOUGH....

rated by 0 users
Sat, Oct 25 2014 11:44 PM (53 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 4:16 PM

    You know you have a serious guitarist...

      When they grow their nails long on one hand  !

    ^^ mellow tune for a balmy Autumn night with the better half wrapped around you, French windows open, Stars multitudinous, and a glass of wine in hand..

    Which coincidentally, is what I'm doing right now :-))

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 4:23 PM


    Sort of like, well almost as good as  Chagall 

    Yet, who couldn't carry a Frans Hals brush

    > <

    Well you're a sassy little thing ! Ain't no bigger than a match stick - sure got some spark in ya though. 

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 4:40 PM

    EDIT:  behave yourself !!

    Sorry, just talking to myself. ;-0

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 4:41 PM



    Sort of like, well almost as good as  Chagall 

    Yet, who couldn't carry a Frans Hals brush

    > <

    Well you're a sassy little thing ! Ain't no bigger than a match stick - sure got some spark in ya though. 


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 9:17 PM

    if you read what I wrote, I didn't use the phrase 'better than' anywhere.

    No you didn't, you said "but he's certainly not in the same class as any of the above as far as playing ability and mastery of the instrument."

    By saying he is not in the same class and has less playing ability is essentially saying he is for all intents and purposes, not as good - or conversely, the others are better as far as ability and mastery of the instrument.

    However as you say, it is a subjective topic. I have an extreme diversity in the music I like, from Opera to Punk and most things inbetween. Even styles I do not like, I can still appreciate the skill and artistry of the musician.

    Someone mentioned Rory Gallagher - I had the honour of meeting and getting to know this quiet, non assuming man when living in London - great guitarist too, but I perhaps am bias lol

  • br1b3
    91 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 11:19 PM

    Jeff healey was one of the greats,with spino on mark knopfler,angus young,chuck berry,bb king,slash,jimmy page heaps of great guitarist ;)

  • br1b3
    91 Posts
    Thu, Oct 23 2014 11:31 PM



    KNOPFLER !!!!!!

    Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing (Alchemy Live) - YouTube

    Cant seem to post the link here but its well worth the 10 minute listen !!

    You wont get alot better IMHO



  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 5:39 AM


    if you read what I wrote, I didn't use the phrase 'better than' anywhere.

    No you didn't, you said "but he's certainly not in the same class as any of the above as far as playing ability and mastery of the instrument."

    Yep, and I'll stick to that. Class, as in the level of mastery of knowledge the instrument, not better. Better is not really a word I like to use talking about music or musicians. I mean were the Spice Girls better than the Pussycat Dolls? That could be too close to call (LOL)

    When talking about things like cover bands or tribute bands, musicians who basically just copy others, sure definitely better can be used there I think, cuz ya, there are some who for sure are better than others. 

    Rory is great, listened to him for years, like I said I listen to almost anything and everything. 

    Jeff Healy was an excellent musician, and a really nice guy. I live just outside of Toronto, been to his club many times as well as places like the 'Elmo', seen some great acts through the years

    Many years ago I had a friend who won a contest that was sponsored by MuchMusic and Steve's Music in Toronto, SRV was playing in town, the winner got the change to jam with him. My buddy, a drummer, got to sit in and play with those guys for about an hour or so. I tagged along, cuz I mean ya who wouldn't. Even in the 'state' SRV was in back then, he was a really nice guy and a gas. Watching him just noodle around before and in between songs etc, man you really got a feel for just how much the guitar was a part of his body, certainly his soul that's for sure. Great guy.

    Of all the musicians I've ever seen up close in a 'playing' situation, the most awe inspiring and demoralizing at the same time (from the Bass player side of me) was Alain Caron. If you don't know who that is, just look him up. If you're a Bass player proceed with caution, even watching video of the guy can be discouraging. LMAO! The guy really is on a level all his own. 


    Music is music - As long as it moves you and gets you movin' it's aaaaall good man !


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 6:26 AM

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Oct 24 2014 9:25 AM

    ^^ Just because..

    Saul feels it...

    Like we all did, pissin around in ya bedroom back when....

    EDIT : gotta get to the end,  Axel conducting...what a tune !!

    Cue Exhalation.....................Aah :)