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MIA - Where are they?

Sun, Mar 12 2023 8:08 PM (439 replies)
  • FRIENDofyourWIFE
    305 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 12:55 PM

    I will like know about PUCCINI and tallnhot this 2 girls really were something when i start to play in here, they taught a lot about this game.. back then the best driver here was TM Supertri and the best ball was the WGT G13 or G12... back to the topic, if someone know about any of both plz let me know...




  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 1:28 PM

    WOW , Just checked mine,

    40 of my friends no longer have a score history, And about 15 have not played in several month's.




  • TopShelf2010
    10,969 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 1:35 PM

    no longer have a score history

    I just did the same and removed 30 or so that did not have a Score History.

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 2:06 PM

    How long is it before the score history wipes out? I've noticed that many who haven't played for quite a while have none, but I don't know when the history deletes.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 2:18 PM


    How long is it before the score history wipes out? I've noticed that many who haven't played for quite a while have none, but I don't know when the history deletes.

    I was wondering this too - I looked at an old mate who does not play now (my mentor in the early days - DRXJR) and his score history is gone. I thought this used to just sit there. Perhaps WGT have been clearing old info to free up room?

  • tiger319
    1,186 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 3:00 PM

    Chinajohn left the game to spend more time with his family..  He is missed in our club.. 

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 10:41 PM

    How long is it before the score history wipes out?

    Regularily, the score history has 200 entries from Stroke, CTTH, Blitz games, deleting the oldest one by one.

    Me thinks that there was a single wipe-out event about in September 2014, crunching data from those who haven't played for a certain time.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 11:14 AM

    Me thinks that there was a single wipe-out event about in September 2014, crunching data from those who haven't played for a certain time.

    I am pretty sure you are right, but why? In the past players who had not played for years still had a score history.

    Maybe it coincided with poor loading times and WGT were clutching at straws how to free up some space on the servers? I am not in IT, but would be surprised if data such as this would take up virtually any room. Odd.

  • donsprintr
    2,063 Posts
    Mon, Jan 19 2015 11:43 AM

    I know also that replays of shots still exist in WGT's virtual space (even if not saved on someone's profile) ... but I did notice that at least a year ago, some of them started disappearing. A shot of mine that was once featured in WGT news back in 2009 is now gone. And some of them in the "post your best replays" thread have disappeared. I still have a replay from 2009 on my profile which is fully functional ...

    It appears that server space on WGT is not unlimited and they're doing whatever they can to free up a little space, like Alan has said.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 1:50 PM

    Thought I would bump this as I saw Gerald mentioned..........surely someone must know some of these players and their whereabouts. And Bubbadork - those who copped his wrath would remember him lol.

    The forums, the game have changed, probably not for the better, but would be nice to get some info on these players.



    I know we cannot call out players in the forums but hope this list is acceptable.

    Like everyone we have players on our friends lists who stop playing, either burnt out, disillusioned or have other reasons they stop playing. I have a few players like that on my list but we still touch base from time to time via email or PM's. But the following seem to have just dropped off the radar - does anyone know why?

    Andrewmca - apparently killed in Afghanistan - RIP Andy


    Chris5214 - Was heard from a friend a few weeks ago - is into iRacing and was sick of the BS in the game and forums - hopefully Chris will pop in occasionally - hell of a guy. Plays on another golf site.

    Choppography sp?

    Creamer444 - account not showing - had asked many times to can it - looks like they did close it - was opening a painting business - I assume creamer came back under a diff id. Indeed he did, now re gifting to another - Pathetic  

    Deedles77 - (Request Dazza501)

    endabunkers (Request Toona)

    Geraldlarousse - TOP guy his account has gone if you do a search hmmm - if you are back G let me know....

    Goldeena  - still pops in time to time - waiting for another site lol. Site now running but the grass was not greener....back in here....occasionally

    Chinajohn - left the game to spend more time with his family - I must admit he played a LOT. Good guy and would speak his mind.

    Ffudd - (Request - MM)

    Fridgeman - (Request MM)

    Looselugnutz - Scott - taking time out - hurry back bud, you are one of the great ones.

    Mustangtattoo - (request by Duffer19)

    PUCCINI - (Request FriendofyourWife)

    Puholino  Achieved happiness away from the game - there is life after WGT LOL.

    Silentkiller (Request Toona)

    tallnhot - (Request FriendofyourWife)

    WilliamRicker - Request MM)

    I think we are all in this boat and you just wonder so add to the list (if this is allowable). I have asked some mutual friends but no-one seems to know.

    Edit - I will add to the list as request come in (time permitting) and add notes

    If I miss one wall post or pm me.