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MIA - Where are they?

Sun, Mar 12 2023 8:08 PM (439 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 2:11 PM

    I know we cannot call out players in the forums but hope this list is acceptable.

    Like everyone we have players on our friends lists who stop playing, either burnt out, disillusioned or have other reasons they stop playing. I have a few players like that on my list but we still touch base from time to time via email or PM's. But the following seem to have just dropped off the radar - does anyone know why?

    2DAMFLASHY - Request by Scott. Wall says RIP - and confirmed by a good friend of his, Dave, you are missed. RIP

    Andrewmca - apparently killed in Afghanistan - RIP Andy

    Aussiemite - (Request AlaskanDame)


    Chasmiester (Request Bassmaster) - not sure if this is a serious request lol. Probably banned for hitting 100,000 complaints

    Chris5214 - Was heard from a friend a few weeks ago - is into iRacing and was sick of the BS in the game and forums - hopefully Chris will pop in occasionally - hell of a guy. Plays on another golf site.

    Choppography sp? - From Courteney -Chopography (Chip) told me that he was very busy at work before he stopped playing. I assume that he decided that that should take priority. A fine chap and good club member.

    Corwyn - A very good player who learned the game the hard way...then did it all over again playing UEL - request from ZAGRANICZNIAK

    Creamer444 - account not showing - had asked many times to can it - looks like they did close it - was opening a painting business - I assume creamer came back under a diff id. Indeed he did, now re gifting to another - Pathetic  

    dawa06 - Alain - Request from Petervcpt

    Deedles77 - (Request Dazza501)

    endabunkers (Request Toona)

    Geraldlarousse - TOP guy his account has gone if you do a search hmmm - if you are back G let me know....

    Goldeena  - still pops in time to time - waiting for another site lol. Site now running but the grass was not greener....back in here....occasionally

    Chinajohn - left the game to spend more time with his family - I must admit he played a LOT. Good guy and would speak his mind.

    Ffudd - (Request - MM)

    Fridgeman - (Request MM)

    HAOJENTW - Request by Overtheedge - played a lot of WGT


    Jas2 - Request by Duckman

    Lizzie Rosetti - (Request Lonnie) - missed by many.

    Looselugnutz - Scott - taking time out - hurry back bud, you are one of the great ones. Updates April 2020 - Scott is back and well....welcome back...rust or not!

    Lovecowboys - Request by greenmanfromg

    Oldbayrunner - (Request by Opy - I would love to know s well, great guy)Mustangtattoo - (request by Duffer19)

    OmegaManKFH - (request by budfan4861)

    Pierre126 - (requested by Opy)

    Piztaker (Req by Nanstar) - He gifted all his credits away back in 2012 - but anyone know why he left?

    PUCCINI - (Request FriendofyourWife)

    Puholino  Achieved happiness away from the game - there is life after WGT LOL.

    QuikdrawlMcGraw (Request AlaskanDame) - page 37

    SHRUDE - Tony retired from WGT Feb 2017 and handed over AAA into great hands and sadly passed away Sept 18. RIP Mate - Shine On.

    Silentkiller (Request Toona) - IS BACK. Welcome back 

    Sweetmiffy (Request Lonniescott711 - ID does not come up in search - anyone with any info?

    Sweetiepie - Gone for a few months now (July 16). A tad worrying and missed by many - any info.........?

    tallnhot - (Request FriendofyourWife)

    Tekoma  (Request DDRoss1) - Member of Eros...but no activity

    Twinstack (Request Skccvb) 

    WilliamRicker - Request MM) - BACK PLAYING AFTER A LENGTHY ABSENCE........Edit...the status probably says it all.....21 Apr williamricker: WGT is a joke!

    I think we are all in this boat and you just wonder so add to the list (if this is allowable). I have asked some mutual friends but no-one seems to know.

    Edit - I will add to the list as request come in (time permitting) and add notes

    If I miss one wall post or pm me.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:34 PM

    I have a few also . Some went MIA  a long time ago but I keep them . 

    And what about the ones that were not on your list but that were only Forums Friends that just stopped posting ? 

    Yes it would be nice to know what happened .




  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:36 PM


    I know we cannot call out players in the forums but hope this list is acceptable.

    Like everyone we have players on our friends lists who stop playing, either burnt out, disillusioned or have other reasons they stop playing. I have a few players like that on my list but we still touch base from time to time via email or PM's. But the following seem to have just dropped off the radar - does anyone know why?




    Looselugnutz - Scott

    Puholino (I know he had a new job and g/f but has just stopped)

    I think we are all in this boat and you just wonder so add to the list (if this is allowable). I have asked some mutual friends but no-one seems to know.

    You're good with this list.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • barrybelfast
    255 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:39 PM

    "Andy" or andrewmca was killed in Afghanistan earlier this tear fighting for freedom in the Royal Australian medical corps so fas as i know, he had been called up as a reserve and was killed on his last day of a 3 month tour of duty before returning home 

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:49 PM


    "Andy" or andrewmca was killed in Afghanistan earlier this tear fighting for freedom in the Royal Australian medical corps so fas as i know, he had been called up as a reserve and was killed on his last day of a 3 month tour of duty before returning home 

    Wow, didn't know him but I Salute him!


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:50 PM

    Hey what happened to Bubba dork and Creamer , and also Goldeena ? Bubba always had a wonderful yet somewhat dry sense of humor about him and deena was just a true live wire . She could clock 60 from the word go . Oh and has anyone heard from or know how our dear and wonderful Lizzie Rosetti is doing ? She hasnt been in the forums now for a very good while .

    Bubba hasnt played since 8/1/13 .Guess had finally had enough of either the game , or us poor lowly illiterates . I`m tempted to post something without punctuation , just to see if I can do a resurrection .hahahahahahaha .

    May need to get some players across the water to do a physical check on Lizzie , as not only have I but others as well have posted on their wall with no reply .

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 3:53 PM


    "Andy" or andrewmca was killed in Afghanistan earlier this tear fighting for freedom in the Royal Australian medical corps so fas as i know, he had been called up as a reserve and was killed on his last day of a 3 month tour of duty before returning home 

    Holy chit - that is really gut wrenching news - he was a hell of a guy, funny as and will be missed.

    Whilst terrible news, thanks for letting us know.

    Edit - I have wondered what happened to Bubba - as cantankerous as he could be, was a good laugh. Deena still pops in occasionally and as far as I know still is waiting for another golf site to come on line lol - I just hope she did not hold her breath.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 5:15 PM

    I have wondered what happened to Bubba - as cantankerous as he could be, was a good laugh.


    Not to mention his passion for spelling and punctuation. I still ROFL when I think of how he emphasized the need to use correct punctuation with:

    Jack! Off that horse!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Sep 3 2014 5:23 PM

    Not to mention his passion for spelling and punctuation

    No Chit - I copped his wrath re punctuation and felt like a giddy little school kid!


  • hpurey
    11,515 Posts
    Tue, Oct 7 2014 8:23 AM
