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MIA - Where are they?

Sun, Mar 12 2023 8:08 PM (439 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,619 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 2:07 PM
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 3:08 PM

    Interesting Scott, Gerald comes up now, but Creamer does not show for me (via WGT Community).Previously I saw G's profile from my friends list but was also not showing up doing a community search.

    Gerald would play daily, make the odd pleasant comment about WGT so is strange.



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 3:29 PM

    Gerald would play daily, make the odd pleasant comment about WGT so is strange.

    And unpleasant same as the rest of us:)

    Often wondered about Gerald - real good guy I always thought.  Used to be in reasonably regular contact with him by PM, and then just stopped along with his visits to WGT.




  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 4:11 PM

    And unpleasant same as the rest of us:)

    LOL erhhhhmmmmm yes - sadly most of the time.

    But as a company you will learn a lot more from those who complain and criticize than those who say nothing a quit.

    I too would often be in PM contact with Gerald, so this perplexes me. As for Creamer, just rewards IMO.

    But yes odd that the RG's for legends are few and far between and hard to fill....go figure - too good a job of spring cleaning?

    Still happy to add others to the list.

    Odd thing is throughout life I have lived  and worked in so many countries, made good  friends only to not keep in touch when I leave, with a few exceptions of great friends (and often will not talk for months or even a year, only to catch up like it was only yesterday).

    I have never done Facebook or tweet about mundane daily activities.

    Perhaps age is catching up on me or I am just becoming a cantankerous old man lol, but be nice to know why they left.

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 5:24 PM

    Twinstack- Dave has been missing in action for some time...


    Knock knock---"who's there? "


    "Dave's not here man."

  • ZiggoCheeznuts
    1 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 7:49 PM

    Where have all the Cheeznuts gone?

  • bassmaster60
    126 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 7:49 PM

    dont forget chazmieister 


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 7:54 PM

    Has anyone heard from Lizzie Rosetti  ? It has really been awhile since her last forum post . No activity on her profile either . I hate to think the thought that she is truly gone and that her illness has overcome her .

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 8:54 PM

    Lizzie Rosetti  

    I also looked the other day Lonnie - and dreaded the worst and hoped for the best. Not that I knew her, just her odd posts that were without a doubt, articulately written yet soulful and whimsical at the same time.

    I will add them when I get home from work but I have to ask Bassmaster - do you mean ChasMiester (had to look up my few blocked players) and if you do...are you serious? If you are I will add this delightful person to the list. I would guess it is banned lol.

  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2015 9:09 PM

    Being Memorial Day here in the US, this struck me as very sad and my first thought was that we should hold some grand tournament in his honor and donate proceeds of some sort to his family. However, upon googling and researching Aussie defense dept. records in an effort to learn more about him, I found that only one Australian was killed in Afghanistan in the last few years and he was on a bodyguard detail and seems to have taken his own lif. The last Australian combat death was earlier in 2013 and was a special ops soldier, while Andy was still playing, definitely was not Andy. Now I'm perplexed.

    "Andy" or andrewmca was killed in Afghanistan earlier this tear fighting for freedom in the Royal Australian medical corps so fas as i know, he had been called up as a reserve and was killed on his last day of a 3 month tour of duty before returning home