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MIA - Where are they?

Sun, Mar 12 2023 8:08 PM (439 replies)
  • TopShelf2010
    10,971 Posts
    Wed, Oct 8 2014 8:53 PM

    I'd like to add 3 names if I may



    Last but far from least, Fridgeman

    I agree 100% Mainz. These 3 names were some of the very first players I came to know after I joined WGT. I think about Ffudd often. He was such an amazing player. I could only imagine how he would be with today's equipment.

    As for Mr. Ricker... he was the one that took a chance on me and accepted me into Bridgestone. And for that I will always be grateful.

    Fridgeman... wow, talk about a blast from the past. 

    Now I am all emotional... enough said.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 2:34 AM

    Thought I would bump this thread, still a lot of names that just disappear.

    The player who initially helped me become a better player has dropped off the radar, but I know he got peeved at the game and the myriad of bugs.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 2:51 AM
    5 of that original list were once in my CC. Perhaps I just scared them off.
  • TopShelf2010
    10,971 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 4:15 AM

    5 of that original list were once in my CC. Perhaps I just scared them off.

    I highly doubt you were responsible in any way Ms. Fish. You are one of the most respected and admired CC Owners out there.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 6:40 AM

    I'm looking for my friend Deedles77. She's our club secretary and just stopped playing in december without a word to anyone which is not like her at all. Her name doesn't show up when searched either. If anyone has any news then please let me know.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 10:30 PM

    I'm looking for my friend Deedles77

    Added to the list Dazza - I certainly have seen the name around but not for a while. It is always a concern when avid players suddenly stop playing. Either they asked for the account to be canned or they were removed for T&C breaches,

    And Ms Fish....I am sure you were not the reason they have gone :)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Jan 17 2015 11:22 PM

    I had a couple of members removed lately without a word. You'd think it would be in WGT's interest to give reasons, if only to deter others from misdeeds.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 11:33 AM


    I had a couple of members removed lately without a word. You'd think it would be in WGT's interest to give reasons, if only to deter others from misdeeds.

    I agree Ms C. A simple message to the CC owner or a locked thread showing disabled accounts and the reason.

    It might act as a deterrent for some and actually give the company a lot more credibility and confidence for its users something is being done.

  • tigerfan1506
    3,193 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 11:59 AM


    I'm looking for my friend Deedles77

    Added to the list Dazza - I certainly have seen the name around but not for a while. It is always a concern when avid players suddenly stop playing. Either they asked for the account to be canned or they were removed for T&C breaches,

    And Ms Fish....I am sure you were not the reason they have gone :)

    Not sure if this would work with large clubs, ours is smallish, 60 members. But we have *buddy system*, where each member that cares to, exchanges personal contact info with another member. If one goes missing for awhile, we always have a way to get in touch with them, or them with us.

  • toona
    389 Posts
    Sun, Jan 18 2015 12:08 PM

    Thanks for starting this thread  alanti. Always sad not to hear from long time cc members and friends. Here are 2 that have dropped off the radar. Both were extreamly active members of ECGA and just poof without a word. Ya just have to hope that it was nothing dire.

    Silentkiller145 (USA)

    endabunkers (Ireland)