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*** Icon and Shoe uneven lie invitational ***

Sun, Aug 10 2014 12:25 PM (132 replies)
  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Sat, Jul 26 2014 11:34 PM

    Found a bit of time so managed to play anyway and had a respectable 75. 5 birdies, 6 pars, 4 bogeys, 3 doubles.

    I actually had more trouble with approaches than with putting; the idea of hitting onto a billiard table must have gotten into my head, and I hit only 10/18 greens. Birdied 3 par 3s and hit it to 8 feet on the other, only to putt it off the green and make bogey.

    I was +5 through 6 while getting a feel for the greens. Got it back to a hard-fought +2 through 11, then gave it all right back with doubles on 12 and 13. On 12 I missed a sidehill 3-footer for par and rolled it 12 feet by; on 13 I tried to get too cute with the approach (fearing a downhill birdie) and left it short, then hit a poor pitch 12 feet past, setting up the exact putt I was trying to avoid. My calculations of 12*0.5 - elevation + 0.5 showed that I should hit it with... -0.5 feet of power. Not being able to do so, I used 1 foot and putted it 40 feet and off the green.

    It's loads of fun, and I don't say that ironically.

  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 2:22 PM

    For the tenth thousand time I tried these ridiculous UL. Always completely unrealistic. Absolutely different from real golf. Impossible to calculate in any way which will be the result of yr shot. Only thing u can do, it's to pray God! In putting u have the speed data and u can calculate how to putt, while with the grid in UL u can't do anything. A 17y  pitch shot from lie 20/25 run 2y because of the UL. Out of mind... Bye

  • Ianzzz
    6,348 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 4:21 PM

    Well I ended up with one highlight - a birdie on the third but as to the rest.......I just had to laugh as putt after putt found a downslope into all sorts of interesting places.

    All was still just about  together until my tee shot on 13 landed on 5th fairway (needless to say OOB) for my first 9 after getting on green and then putting off again twice. But at least I did complete all the holes in less than 10 (another 9 on the last when second shot rolled into bunker with a bright red flashing lie which took three to get out of.

    So I ended up with 89 - 41 putts and 11 GIRs which may show where my real problems were.

    Got to be played though !!

    As to entry fee and payout - I am happy to pay 10 or 20 credits to play a four round game - and as to the payout, as it will never ever effect me, I have no worries who gets it !!

    Thanks Icon and Shoe, glad I found the tourney just in time to play


  • AlaskanDame
    19,137 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 5:29 PM



    Would you also prefer small buy-in (10 to 25 credits) to create a pool, with all winnings going to the winner?

    I like the idea of the buy-in...but would prefer to see more than one winner.  Top-5 or top-10 maybe?

    And it's about time you guys brought these things back!!  I tried to recreate them manually at home but it's just not the same.

    Umm, anyone have any tips on how to repair a hardwood floor?  More specifically, patching 4.25" holes so that they're invisible to the female eye...   ;-)


    as for payout... if we keep it say 10credits, then with 100 entrees, winner will get 850 credits, so that's pretty good for winning it...  i think is we break it down, it may dilute it, but I am open to ideas :)

    Top 10 should get their money back.  THey'll never get their balls or hair back !

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 9:06 PM

    well was a hell of a good start then me an that par 5 just did not see eye to eye lmao here is the cards but did have nice 37 yrd hole out on 4....


    Front 9>> cMhuvNBL 9548ZmPB10.htp


    Back 9>> 351 SP95mFZnbtJ6cYwU.htp

    1,141 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 5:39 AM

    OH BOY !!  

    ROUND 2..... is open..

    thx all that .. did a round write up...enjoy'd em ..

    Ready to endure the torture .... just hope i do better than 1st round... lol...i don't practice UNeven stuff .. just hit,, hope an adjust ....


    guess i did alright.... 69   ... for me 

    i'm not very good at darts anyway...still... rimshot .. one EZ bird several from 8 to 10 i prolly shuddda wooda .. cuuda made ....

    did one dum dum.. on #7.. went over green ... on had a brain.spaz .. used full shot ..instead of flop...over hole again..! and rolled right in bunker from 20 yards... uggg ..dug it out an still 2 putted from like 10 ft i think..for a really ugly dubble...

    Think i will use a nike,,,for the next slow green round... see if i can stick em closer ...

    i'm happy tho... enjoy'd it  

    peace ... :)_~~

  • Ianzzz
    6,348 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 2:39 PM

    Round 2 was fun

    Took the first couple of holes to get the green speed but it made a real change not to roll off the greens too often ! Pity about my 6 on the 8th when a bunker 2nd meant 4 to green and two putt but a handy -5 on the B9 gave me a fairly respectable 66.   Even a surprising 32ft birdie putt on 16.

    Now ready for the 50 green !

    Will use my 10cr ball since what use is spin if it will go mad !!  Brilliant fun and so good to get different things to play

    ""How about next one with all starter clubs and balls then ?"" !!!!!   lol

    I'd play it, and even throw in a 25cr fee for the fun of it all


  • opyeuclid
    6,706 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 3:00 PM

    Round 2 .  That was fun , I see my self doing well at this outing at the finish .

    Doing well at placing close to last place . LOL 

    But it is about the fun factor .




  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Mon, Jul 28 2014 9:34 PM

    I don't find super slow greens as fun as super fast, but maybe that's just me. They're certainly easier to score on. I did have trouble getting pitch shots to the hole, resulting in pars on both par 5s despite having tailwinds on both.

    Considering I've never shot better than 63 on Pinehurst in any game mode (I don't practice it much since it seems a fairly boring course), I guess I shouldn't complain about my 67.

    Oh, and I missed the fairway on #18. I think that's the first time I've missed any fairway on Pinehurst except when attempting to drive a green. That's one reason I find it boring.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Jul 29 2014 12:24 AM


    Round 2 .  That was fun , I see my self doing well at this outing at the finish .

    Doing well at placing close to last place . LOL 

    But it is about the fun factor .

    We're tied after two rounds, Opy. The game is on!