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Friends? what friends?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 9 2014 3:41 PM (26 replies)
  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jul 8 2014 3:14 PM

    I hope someone listens to our concerns

    There are tons of issues through WGT ... not just the friends list.  I would much rather them get the CC's to a point where an owner could delegate tasks to their members ... send out "messages" instead of e-mails, and get a universal handicap system together.  Dealing with the friends thing is just one of many work-arounds we tend to have to deal with here ... and it's only for those over the 255 count.  So, more than likely, they won't ever fix this!

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Tue, Jul 8 2014 3:18 PM

    Communication, handicaps, friends' numbers - none of these items will bring any revenue to the company.

    Guess how urgent they are...

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Jul 8 2014 4:01 PM

    Guess how urgent they are...

    What do I get if I guess correctly?  lol.