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***Attention ALL NEW Legends***

Thu, Dec 15 2016 10:49 AM (85 replies)
  • JRTexas1949
    42 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 7:29 AM

    Dear all NEW Legends (and those Tour Masters who are trying to reach the Legend Tier).

    Well, I have learned that FACTS about criteria in various tiers are just not all that easy to find. And, all too often, information tends to sometimes turn out to be a rumor. You can ask other long time members about criteria, but WGT will tell you that getting information from members (like here from me in the WGT Forum) is not necessarily accurate.  But, I have done a ton of research.  I believe my information here is pretty accurate.

    OK, here you go.

    When a Tour Master does reach the Legend Tier, understand that you will be moved back to the (black tees - Legend Tees).  Trust me, there is a huge difference hitting from the Legend Tees & the Tour Master's Tees.  Just check out the differences in "distances" on every WGT course available.  Many new Legends wish they were back at the Tour Master tier.

    Also, when you reach Legend, your average is 61.00.  If your first game as a Legend (9 holes) is a 33 (for example), your NEW average will immediately leap UP to 66.00.  33 x 2 = 66.00.  If you post a game of 35, your new average will be 70.00.  And, Good Luck getting your average back down anywhere near 60.00.  60.00 is what you need to reach the Tour Legend Tier.

    But, wait, there's more!  Once you reach the Legend Tier, you must play a minimum of (500 ranked rounds) as a Legend.  No, you can't count all the games you have played since you joined WGT.  You have to hit (500) rounds as a Legend.  OK, once you have played and posted those (500) rounds, WGT stops your average from going up any further (called: saturation).  NOW, you have to work your average down to 60.00 or just below, to reach Tour Legend - if that's a goal you have set for yourself.

    I read a comment here in the WGT Forum last night (written by a Tour Legend).  He said, he hit the required 500 rounds after he reached the Legend Tier.  But, that it took him an additional 500 ranked rounds to finally reach the Tour Legend Tier.

    Side note:  It is my understanding that when we play the WGT Best of Par 3, Par 4 or Par 5 Hole courses, those (3) courses do NOT count towards your average - though, maybe, not 100% sure they count as "ranked rounds". I believe WGT created these (3) courses for FUN only.  Also, WGT's CTTH games do NOT count towards your average, those games were created for fun only.  And, on the WGT Best of Putting CTTH course, you do not get any credit for Hole In Ones on that course, only on all of the other CTTH courses.

    I counted only 443 total Tour Legends here on WGT.  And, it is my understanding there are over 2 million+ members - probably more.  So, if any member has any misconceptions that reaching the Tour Legend tier is not incredibly difficult - uh, think again.  Personally,  I think it would be a lot easier, cheaper and less time consuming to climb Mount Everest than making it to the Tour Legend Tier!  LOL. Seriously!

    So, if you're at the Master or Tour Master tier, all I can say is, ENJOY yourself.  You're in a very good place.  Ask almost any Legend, they will tell you, it was a shock to have to play from those long Legend Tees, not to mention putting on Tournament speed greens. Though, in CC Tournaments, the playing conditions for ALL players is the same (wind speeds, green speeds, hole locations); However, if you are a Legend playing in a CC Tournament - you will be playing from the Legend's Tees.  So, you better be on top of your game as you will be up against lower tier players who are playing a lot closer to the greens than you are!

    I have to take my hat off to those members who reached the Tour Legend Tier - well done everyone!  But, from my way of looking at all this, WGT is shooting themselves in the foot from a "marketing - profit" standpoint.  For a vast majority of new Legends (including myself), suddenly, we are faced with this monumental task.  I think many new Legends will just give up and move on - meaning, lost revenues for WGT.  Just maybe the criteria as a Legend is too difficult?  I mean, it's fine to move the goal posts further as we reach a new tier - but, when you can't even SEE the goal posts, you sort of lose the incentive.  Where's the carrot?  *smile*  No, I'm not really complaining.  Reaching Tour Legend should not be easy. But, having to hit 500 ranked rounds as a Legend, then, work your average down to 60.00 is pretty intimidating, even for the really talented players.

    Well, I love this game here at WGT.  And of course, I will continue to enjoy it. Always looking forward to that next special shot - chip or flop that goes in for a Birdie or Eagle or that long putt that I didn't think would drop.  But now, my perspective on this game has now changed.

    And, like most of you, I too am looking forward to the NEW golf courses that WGT is planning for this site.  But, I have read in order for WGT to create just (1) new golf course for the WGT site, they must take over 300,000 photos and videos of real golf courses.  That, they use GPS to make the WGT courses within 2 inches of accuracy compared with the real golf courses, which is pretty incredible.  I can only imagine the costs and time necessary for WGT to create each new course. 

    I wish ALL new Legends the very best.  But, be sure you understand what you're up against as your reach the LEGEND tier.




  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 8:40 AM

    Great post, describing very well how a Legend may think and feel.

    Let me get one minor thing right, and perhaps you can edit it:

    Side note:  It is my understanding that when we play the WGT Best of Par 3, Par 4 or Par 5 Hole courses, those (3) courses do NOT count towards your average - though, maybe, not 100% sure they count as "ranked rounds". I believe WGT created these (3) courses for FUN only. 

    The exception is only with the Par3 and Par5 courses. Neither their scores nor the game as such count towards the average calculation - the scores played would not fit in!

    The other "Best of" courses are included: ... Famous, ... Hardest, ... Par4. I have verified this with observation and calculation.


    Your essay fits well to my current situation: I just saturated my Legend average!

    500 scores which were a long stretch to go, and my feeble average is 68+. Included are some remarkable (for me) scores of 58 and 60, a total of perhaps 50 scores which may have a standing to the next promotion. Right now it seems impossible to score 450 more of those, but time will show.

    The main "task" at hand will be to keep up the fun and enjoyment!

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:21 AM

    Couple of point, Alosso nailed one of them, but the struggle for new Legends has been the same for 2.5 years or so, since the Legend Tier was created, TL was create to inspie and seperate the vast majority of Legends.


    I also think there are over 800 TL's, ColumusStorm has been ranking them for about 6 months or so now, I'll find the thread and post the address of it here in a bit.


    But yes, it's difficult grind, made harder (IMO) for new legends because in the past year and a half, there has been so many new club and ball combo's that make the game fairly easy for lower tiers to advance, what we then wind up with is low level Legends that don't have access to the equipment needed to compete with the higher level Legends.



    I see there are now just over a 1000 TL's.


  • JRTexas1949
    42 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:24 AM

    Thank you, alosso, for your input here.

    I did not know what you wrote here about the WGT Best of Par 4 Holes.  Actually, I think that course should count as ranked round & towards a player's average.  Talk about difficult!  To me, WGT should have named that course "Hardest Par 4 Holes".  Putting up birdies on that course is tough!

    Hey, great that you have reached the 500 ranked round saturation point! 

    I guess part of the point I was trying to make was that I feel WGT moved the (goal posts) a bit too far (between reaching Legend & then Tour Legend).  I mean, I reached the TM tier in approx. 3 months of daily play, then, another 3 intense weeks to reach the Legend tier.  Now, I'm looking at a pretty intimidating task.  It's sort of like going through school when we were all growing up.  After 1st grade, 2nd grade was more difficult.  Then upwards to say, the 6th grade - each grade a little more difficult than the last one. Then, it would be like saying - OK, JR, now that you have reached the 7th grade, we're sticking you in the 12th grade instead - let's see how you do now? 

    Or, it's like going snow skiing for the first time.  You spend 5 days on the bunny slopes, then, your skiing instructor sticks on the ski lift and sends you to the top of the mountain....oh, yea!  LOL. And actually, that skiing story is true for me - and trust me, that didn't work out so well for me.  I went down that steep ski slope completely out of control - fell twice; both skis came off (one cut my leg); So, I walked the rest of the way down that mountain - too funny (now, but, not back at the time). *smile*  Well, probably not great analogies, but, I think you get my drift. *smile*.

    I have read other discussions here in the WGT Forum about the possibility of creating (2) tiers within the Legend tier - as well as (2) tiers in the Tour Legend tier.  There does seem to be a HUGE gap in the Legend tier with regards to talent, number of games played, stats, etc.  Same deal seems true with Tour Legends.  I know of one Tour Legend who has played over 20,000 ranked rounds - unreal.

    Yeah, absolutely, have to keep it FUN!

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 9:52 AM

    I have read other discussions here in the WGT Forum about the possibility of creating (2) tiers within the Legend tier - as well as (2) tiers in the Tour Legend tier.  There does seem to be a HUGE gap in the Legend tier with regards to talent, number of games played, stats, etc


    I don't think the TL Tier needs to be split, by the time a Legend reaches TL, they have a minimum (and usually way more) of 500 rounds as a Legend.


    Now I see merit in the Legend Tier, maybe something like "Intermediate Legend" where 100 rounds are needed to move to Legend, that might even the playing field some and newbies can get a feel for playing like-kind legends.

  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 10:28 AM

    But yes, it's difficult grind, made harder (IMO) for new legends because in the past year and a half, there has been so many new club and ball combo's that make the game fairly easy for lower tiers to advance, what we then wind up with is low level Legends that don't have access to the equipment needed to compete with the higher level Legends.

    IMHO, it's all about grinding in the higher spheres.

    Grind for the next level (I'm 25% through to lvl 98, still 190,000 XPs missing (projected for New Year)),
    Grind for saturation. I don't know why they set 400 to Legend saturation in the first place (a whopping 800% of the step before), but they had to raise it with the new tier.
    Grind for a 60 average - now, 50 "good" rounds cost me 10x in total. 450 "good" rounds may then cost me 3000 rounds in total if I only get a little better. Take 30 per month, it's 100 months = 9 years - take 5 per day, it's 20 months!

    And duly pay for the balls all the time!

    I guess that it's part of the business model - hidden in secrecy Till The End Will Come.


  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 11:36 AM

    I counted only 443 total Tour Legends here on WGT

    That 443 was April 2013, the count of TLs as of May 5,2014 is 1012.

    All new TL Level and Scoring Avg lists created by me are added to the end of the thread, therefore notice the date at the top of the lists.

    As noted in the status of my profile, it took me 1256 Legend ranked rounds with a real average of 63.+ to reach the WGT Scoring Average of 60.0 . As a Legend and Tour Legend only the best 500 tier ranked scores count toward your WGT Scoring Avg.

    WGT does not advertise, confirm or deny any of the information about advancing or calculations of Scoring Average, it is determined by players own calculations/observations.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 11:40 AM

    At L84 no one is choosing to compete with that level of equipment in RGs etc, but it is also not a bad time to reach the tips to begin learning them.  The business model dictates getting pushed up and some embrace and some not so much.  To compete in your CC, and really learn the tips in a reasonably competitive way you will need to spend some money soon though.  I would be entering a RG until L90 though, but most mortals take a good time to learn the tips anyway.  

    I know my average was 72 after my first round reaching Legend - yep 72 at St As, and so that was my average.  That's the first time I thought WTF what is it all about, and started looking to the forums / seeking the advice of some v good players.  I did spend some money too,and can tell you that with L79 irons / G20 driver type equipment those 30s are there to be had enough of the time.   Not saying buy those as that was then and now more choices.  And BTW when you reach TL your average is reset and it's another 500 counting RRs as TL before saturation.

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 11:59 AM

    It's a slow process grinding out the rounds after saturation to get your average down , but very rewarding . I got to TL thinking i'd be probably the worst of them , truth be told i'm probably an average TL , which i'm quite pleased about .

    Average is slow to come down though , had my best 3 of my best rounds in a row last night , 57 , 54 , 55 and my avg went down form 59.05 to 59.00 !

    Did the same as Jimbog when i got to legend , spent money ( often unwisely ) better clubs , better balls and learning different things along the way , seems daunting at first but gradually the scores will creep down .

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Tue, May 6 2014 6:43 PM


     I reached the TM tier in approx. 3 months of daily play, then, another 3 intense weeks to reach the Legend tier.  Now, I'm looking at a pretty intimidating task. 

    Not for nothing but looking at your score history, you play repeatedly on easy tracks in CC Tourneys. It looks like you played your way to Legend much too quickly like it was a race against something. Now, the reality of what you've done is here. It's 500 rounds minimum for all Legends on their way to TL. Looks like you're trying to play all 500 in that easy CC Tourney on Kiawah this week.

    Play all the courses equally and forget your average is the only advice I ever give to New Legends. It's not a race and you can't get to Tour Legend late.
