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Lets clear the doubt

Fri, Jun 13 2014 9:42 AM (62 replies)
  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 5:17 AM

    LMFAO,,,,,,, guys like this kill me,, if it was not for Bollox an his videos he had posted i would probly still be a hack LOL Thanks to him i was able to sit an watch his videos an get a way better understanding of how to play this game, I use to pull up one his videos an go play that same course while i watched the video so in all reality my game is all based off how he played an very thankfull for the time he took to make them......

      I also have few videos i made year or so ago with dif balls an in high an heavy winds an made a point out of one that you dont need a ding to be king an beable to shoot in the 50tys, why don't you people just take the time an go look this up instead of coming in here an making an azz  out your selfs...

     Level up get our clubs learn how they play with good balls an then go out an see the game gets easy  with better clubs an balls its all about numbers if u can do 5th grade math you will beable to play well, an u can be as good as you want its just about how much time  you wanna put in this game to be at our level...

    Key to any game is TIME TIME TIME you only get back what you put in, come back an tell me diff after u have about 6000 rounds in an about 80.000 putts......

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 7:27 AM


    Guess i'am gone

    Have at it bud. This is probably more your speed. 

    You should feel lucky BiB even responded to your diarrhea mouth. 

  • NiFromFb
    89 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 8:31 AM


    Now let's take a look at you, around 6 months playing, a Legend, 245 ranked games and an average hovering around 59. Maybe we who have been playing for a couple two, three or more years ought to be wondering how you've accomplished that feat.

    It's a two way street bub.

    Mistake made. Mistake corrected.


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 9:07 AM

    Well, well, well...From a 59 avg to a 71.66 all in one morning...Another Match play shortcut legend that doesn't know how to play the courses but has the balls to question those that do.

    Good luck sweetpea.

  • garyun
    113 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 9:20 AM

    Wow is that a give me putt 27 feet. Your right how silly of me.

  • garyun
    113 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 9:20 AM

    Wow is that a give me putt 27 feet. Your right how silly of me.

  • MainzMan
    9,586 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 11:00 AM

    I see Mags is being given a night off from the pathetic hounding, we're back to accusing that old favourite Bollox again.

    As far as I'm concerned the honesty and integrity of Bollox is beyond doubt.  He started playing this game way before we had these fancy irons and balls that let you play darts from 230 yards, back when you couldn't reach par 5 holes in 2 shots and when course management skills and a good short game were vital. 

    Give someone with brilliant game skills top notch gear and of course you're going to see insane scores.  This is a game where a fairly average player can post scores that would turn Tiger green, someone as good as Bollox is simply in a different league compared to most of us.

    Instead of posting drivel accusing him of being a cheat how about going out and trying to become as good as he is?  Ten thousand rounds might get you somewhere close.

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 2:06 PM


    Wow is that a give me putt 27 feet. Your right how silly of me.

    no moron its probly a putt we had 2 or 3 thousand times out of the 80.000 plus putts we had.....

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 2:14 PM

    Well....the OP got what he wanted, a little attention and to stir people up....but, he did forget that he put HIMSELF and his scores under the same microscope.  Looks like he made use of some "help" if you will...


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Mon, Apr 28 2014 2:19 PM

    If OP had been around he would have seen Bollox do this for the Last three years...If you pay attention to YOUR game and Practice Practice and watch a few of his Video's you'll be shooting in the 50' bet is not come in the Forum and Blast a GOOD player!