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Advancing to a new tier

Thu, Jul 11 2024 4:26 PM (326 replies)
  • Werner777
    4 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 8:06 AM

    hi alosso

    have read a few of your post, maybe you can help in regards to the tiers and averages. I understand the whole saturated system, but also would like to know, does other formats influence your average as well.

    as myself ( not playing as much lately) but my dad every day. where we both are master level, same rated clubs, I can shoot a standard 70 most of the time, 74 at most, my dad (coppiesvc) plays mostly 9 hole and have shot under par maybe 12 times ( 2 or 3 under) in his last 70 9 hole rounds as a master. yet his average drops steadily down everyday. (63.4 now)

    he plays allot of match play, does this affect your average as well?

    would like to know if you could explain, as to me the average given in not a true reflection of your ability, but just another way to make sure you are force to the next level and to eventually upgrade your equipment to have a chance at tournaments.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 8:11 AM

    To get to tour legend,

    TL is achieved when your best 500 counting (so ex BoP3 / 5) RRs shot within Legend tier = 60 or less.

    EDIT: It was pointed out to me that 1 TL had only 160 RRs all up.  No good clue on that, but assume some WGT divine intervention due to account problems.  Above is good for us usual mortals.

  • alosso
    21,050 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 11:47 AM

    To get to tour legend, you need 500 ranked rounds correct?
    500 as a Legend.

    your score is the avg of the best 100 rds, correct?
    No, best 500.

    Sorry to say, the rest is conclusions from your wrong assumptions.

    At the end of the day, you need a bunch of 500 RRs which are 60.000 in their average. 60s are neutral, each 59 takes a 61 to heaven, as well as 58 / 62, 57 / 63....

    Those scores which do not belong to this final party are irrelevant, so play a 75 or not - it doesn't matter, except for time, balls, fun, XPs, practice and arrival at the saturation mark.

  • alosso
    21,050 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 11:57 AM


    as myself ( not playing as much lately) but my dad every day. where we both are master level, same rated clubs, I can shoot a standard 70 most of the time, 74 at most, my dad (coppiesvc) plays mostly 9 hole and have shot under par maybe 12 times ( 2 or 3 under) in his last 70 9 hole rounds as a master. yet his average drops steadily down everyday. (63.4 now)

    he plays allot of match play, does this affect your average as well?

    would like to know if you could explain, as to me the average given in not a true reflection of your ability, but just another way to make sure you are force to the next level and to eventually upgrade your equipment to have a chance at tournaments.

    Judging from your account, both of are well saturated, so there's no fundamental difference. More scores played by your dad might hide a few good ones which do count - copy&paste your Master score histories to a spreadsheet and sort by converted 18 hole scores (double the 9 hole results).

    And yes, single match wins against higher tiers may count to the average. Your dad won 23x against TMs and 14x against Legends - well possible to push him towards TM with seven-league boots. Only 0.4 missing!

  • SplashLewis
    359 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 12:25 PM


    your score is the avg of the best 100 rds, correct?
    No, best 500.

    Yup.  this answers my question and explains why my avg has gone up eventhough i had 100 scores better.  It's not top 100 like i read somewhere, its 500.  Thanks for the clarification.  Although it makes it daunting now that I just cant shoot 100 RRs of 60. lol

  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 1:16 PM

    All the 31, 32 will not count when you reach saturation of 500 rounds in legend tier or count only if you score 28 and 29 sometime to  compensate.

     But all is simple  to become tour legend for average players, all you have to do is to score 499 rank round with a 30 and 1 rank round with a 29 and bingo lol


  • alosso
    21,050 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 1:43 PM

    I beg to differ: Don't demand so much: 500*60 is all it takes - the threshold being 60.000 AFAIK.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 2:29 PM

    I agree with you 99.5% of what you guys are saying about the saturation.... but.....BUTTTTT...this is where I disagree.  You guys are missing what I'm saying.  Your average can go UP before you hit that saturation point.  That's a fact I know to be true.  But, it wont go UP AFTER you hit the 500 rounds.  That's the only thing I am disagreeing with you guys.

    My average blew up to 74 when I hit Legend, and I've slowly knocked it down to a 68.78.  My average has been bouncing up and down like a basketball every time I would tier up.

    I understand what you guys are saying....and all about the saturation is correct....I just think we're in disagreement on the average and not rising. I'm not trying to argue with you guys, I'm just wanting a correct answer on this average not going up.



  • alosso
    21,050 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 2:47 PM

    Of course you are correct, Steven: Below the 500 number the average is the average of all (Legend) scores and it sways up and down with the results coming in.

    Alas, Apex - your quote before I joined the discussion - only referred to the situation after saturation. Apparently a minor misunderstanding...

  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Tue, May 20 2014 3:40 PM


    I beg to differ: Don't demand so much: 500*60 is all it takes - the threshold being 60.000 AFAIK.

    You know alosso, you don't differ a lot from what i  say just before, i think we agree  lol

    499 round  with a 30 and one with a 29 means 59,99 average and your 500 round of 60 means 60 average, almost the same lol

    For people having difficulty to become tour legend, better to play 9 holes, more easy to have a  lots of 30 or 29  on 9 holes than having a 60 or 59 on 18 holes.