PureGro1:The key word is complete
More emphasis from WGT , from all of us , players , members , opponents , partners , CC owners , directors , etc . On completing the round . All rounds . Regardless if one has already lost . This sytem is based on results from completed rounds .
We/they have already seen the many unprogrammed , unexpected , unwanted consequences of these premature actions .
It is imperative that these forced errors on the system . Be stopped before these actions corrupt to an unfixable state .
Wouldn't that suck ?
I have been advocating this all along . And have met a good bit of resistance . This approach must get more exposure and support .
The idea is that since we know that WGT cannot stop this occurence/problem . And since it is a player controlled action .
It is on us to be more proactive , vocal , informative to the players . To put it out there . To shout it from the rafters . Hire a sky writer . Rent a digital billboard . Lol , Teach the ones that do not understand that it is more than simply clicking their mouse and walking away .
That the high numbers of players practicing these early exits . Is in danger of ruining our/their favorite virtual golf game . Forever .
Wouldn't that suck ?
Make ones best effort to complete all rounds . Especially the 2 most popular and vulnerable formats . 3 hole Coins and Alternate Shot .
Please .