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Advancing to a new tier

Thu, Nov 28 2024 5:30 PM (336 replies)
  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,923 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 6:12 PM

    YEA!!! I’ve finally made it to level 200 !!

    Now on to level 201! What? Wait? How high is level 201?


    That’s 2 “BILLION”, 147 “MILLION” 483,647! THAT CAN’T BE RIGHT!

    YIKES!!! IT IS!

    So here are some tibits about level 201:

    1.    The 1st WGT player to hit 200 is TOUR CHAMPION Nancy1959 who achieved this level over 5 years ago! WAY TO GO NANCY!!!!!

    2.    Nancy is still on level 200...and so is everyone else who is at level 200.

    3.    I need to get 2,115,238.255 XP points to reach level 201.

    4.    At my daily XP amount of 18,000 a day, it would take me over 117,000 days (320 years).

    5.    At 50,000 XP a day it would take me 42,300 days (115 years).

    6.    At 1,000,000 a day it would take 2,115 days (or less than 6 years).


    7.    WGT has been asked hundreds of times to fix this problem. They ignore everyone.

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,923 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 10:41 PM


    Well thank you very much! I guess I'm the rookie of the 200 crowd. It's like that motel we see on TV...we can check in...but we can't check out!!! From Nancy1959 to me, we're all just bunched here, at the end of the line.

    I think Nancy's CC Majestic Mountain has the highest number of 200 level players with 7.

    I picture reaching level 200 as flying to the next nearest star, Proxima Centauri, 4.25 light years. We made it. But getting to the next nearest galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, well it's 160,000 light years away. Ain't no way anyone's going to get there!

    Need some love from the WGT Coders. Where's Grace Hooper when you need her?

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 11:03 PM

    WGT has been asked hundreds of times to fix this problem. They ignore everyone.
    Given that the levels serve them no purpose above L103, their POV may be, "It's not a bug but a feature!"

    And, now, after 13+ years, you are finally free of anything forcing you "to the next level". It's becoming a very private affair to decide about the next goal, the next steps.

    Congrats to that freedom!

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,923 Posts
    Tue, Oct 18 2022 11:12 AM

    And, now, after 13+ years, you are finally free of anything forcing you "to the next level".

    Good thoughts, as always.

    BUT...I now have 3,866 CDP and I'm only 134 days away from 4,000. That club has a very small membership of 1...KALLISTE. I believe there are 6 or 7 3,000 CDP'ers.

    So that will be my next goal. Then, I'm sure there will be something else to occupy my time.

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Tue, Oct 18 2022 12:49 PM

    BUT...I now have 3,866 CDP and I'm only 134 days away from 4,000. That club has a very small membership of 1...KALLISTE. I believe there are 6 or 7 3,000 CDP'ers.

    You will know, certainly, that WGT ignores the 4,000 - no extra bonus.

    Other than that, I'm running out of words...

    ...except: Have fun!

  • Tbone3002
    1 Posts
    Sun, Oct 23 2022 4:14 PM

    I played a 104 Tour Legend today, his average was 69.0 he’s played 446 games total. No hole in ones, no double eagles and 46 regular eagles. How can he be a Tour Legend?

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,923 Posts
    Sun, Oct 23 2022 6:23 PM

    I bet it was a Head to Head game, right?

    There are different ways to advance. The "Old School" way was the way both you and I did it. Play x ranked rounds. Get your average below y. Move up a tier.

    With Topgolf (WGT in name only) you can play just H2H rounds and advance to TC. How is this done? Is the method quantifiable?

    Damned if I know. 

    But I see it too. Being a bonehead, my guess is magic. Of course the scientific answer is "dark energy".

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,923 Posts
    Fri, Jan 20 2023 5:17 PM

    Ain't it GREAT that WGT gives us new ways to earn awards and stuff?

    Of course, problems do happen. Take the following...


    WGT "knows" that they cannot fix the FORFEIT problem. If your opponent FORFEITS, you do not get credit for the win. "Hey", they say "you got the prize didn't you?"

    Well, not all the time. So I had 11 holes in coin games (buy really 12 because someone forfeited). No, I didn't get credit.

    Lately, WGT is mystified as to why credits are not given promptly (like they were 2 weeks ago). What happened? I asked and they say they are looking into it...for 2 weeks now.

    Have you noticed that they no longer give you your wins and losses for the month in Head to Head? Maybe this is how they fixed forfeits, They eliminated the WINS and LOSSES totals.