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A Simple Handicap Formula

Wed, Apr 1 2015 8:40 AM (98 replies)
  • EdJaws
    402 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 7:39 AM

    That is so sweet of you Kat, above and beyond what many would consider enough. Thank you very much for sharing.

    I'm in the same boat as Gene, no Excel, use Linux and have available Libreoffice Calc and Openoffice Calc. But I wouldn't know a macro if I was looking right at it.

    @ Gene,

    If you get Kats program running in Calc, would you help a fellow old timer?

  • genegold2
    1,302 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 10:37 AM

    I sure will Ed. It will be some time before I manage it tho, since I have to learn so much about macros. Kat has gone beyond the call-of-duty on this and then did more to help a poor member out. What a wonderful, sweet person. I will post here if and when I get something going, the least I can do.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Mon, Feb 3 2014 9:31 PM

    @Gene and Ed.

    I played around with OpenOffice and immediately ran into an issue.  The copy/paste feature in openoffice does not immediately pick up the field separators used by the CC Member's list, the Score History and the tournaments.

    Anyone know which character is being used to separate the fields when copying this data into the clipboard?

    I'm assuming each is different, since each will paste differently to a spreadsheet.

    Please note, the CC Members and the leaderboard data needs to be pasted as HTML, so the macro can obtain the hyperlink associated with the member.  The score history can be text, since the hyperlink information isn't necessary.

  • ScottHope
    10,163 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 2:26 AM

    I don't know if this will be any help to you guys but I have noticed something rather odd about selecting, copying and pasting table style data from these forums and peoples profile pages.

    If, for example, I want to copy my score history to a spreadsheet and I select it this way.....

    ...notice that I have selected the data so that the highlight is level on the right hand edge all the way to the end. If I then copy and paste this into excel all the data ends up in ONE cell.

    But, if I select the data this way...

    ...and make sure that when highlighting the text I have all the data selected, but I don't allow the highlight to go all the way to the edge and then copy and paste the data into excel, the data is pasted into columns as it is above.

    I have no idea why such a minor change in the way the data is selected would make such a big difference in the way the it pastes into another application but I thought you guys might be interested to know this.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 8:28 AM

    I have noticed something rather odd about selecting, copying and pasting table style data from these forums and peoples profile pages.

    I ran into that issue as well, Scott.  I found the quickest way around that is to "Paste Special" and select the "Text" format.  Since I don't care about the hyperlinks in the scoring history, "Text" is fine for me.  As for the CC information, when you paste in Excel, it keeps all of the data in column A, but separates the fields by row.  The tourney data transfers over fine (in Excel).


    The problem I ran into with OpenOffice "Calc" is no matter how you paste from the clipboard, everything gets thrown into one cell and all hyperlinks get thrown out.  I thought about using an HTML text editor and transferring over the source, but that complicates the process so much that the tourney manager would become extremely difficult to use.  Besides, I just don't wish to write an HTML converter for OpenOffice, since there really isn't much interest in the Tourney Manager.  

    From what I see with OpenOffice, the code used to paste from the clipboard does not distinguish fields within HTML code.  Excel does a better job, but as you pointed out, in some cases, Excel will mess up if you take the copy range to the very end (score history).

    I haven't checked the HTML code to see what the difference is between these slight changes.  Maybe you've gone that extra mile?  It would be interesting to know.


    For those of you using OpenOffice's "Calc", you will have 2 issues.  First, the code that transfers over is completely "Rem " (remarked) out.  You will need to do a "replace " function and remove the "Rem " statements ... replacing them with 4 spaces.  Since I use the apostrophe character to define a remark, you can use the "replace all" function.  The second issue is how OpenOffice ports over data from the clipboard, as mentioned above.  You'll need to modify OpenOffice's paste function within their code to get this matter working properly.  Since this would need to be done inside their code, I'm going to take a pass on this one.

  • ScottHope
    10,163 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 9:53 AM

    Most of what you do Kat is way over my head but very impressive I have to say, and if I ever attempt 'the extra mile' I'll be sure to let you know the results.  : )

    (↓↓↓ Most kind, thank you. ↓↓↓)

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Feb 4 2014 12:37 PM


    Most of what you do Kat is way over my head but very impressive I have to say, and if I ever attempt 'the extra mile' I'll be sure to let you know the results.  : )

    That's funny Scott ... I feel the same about most of the stuff you do!


  • Dubfore
    4,348 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 5:14 PM

    An update after almost three months since I introduced handicaps into our club.

    We have 69 members and at the moment, 48 of them have a handicap, thats' over 80%, and between 65-75% play regularly in graded handicap tournaments. We have three handicap grades: A is for plus to -3  ~  B -4 to -6  and  C 7+

    This is serving it's purpose, which is to have a bigger pool of winners.  The only downside is some players not submitting new handicaps when  due and reminded.

    I'd recommend to any clubs that play for credits to introduce a handicap system (US GHIN)  into your club.  It's working  very well in the Fair Play Golf Club.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 6:41 PM

    Update ... I wrote this on 1/15 when I was developing the tourney manager:

    I'm guessing it more-than-likely was a huge waste of my time!  

    I completed the tourney manager later in January ... gave away 2 copies.  Just had that feeling.

    The tourney manager is no longer available.  Everyone has their own way of doing handicaps ... sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes attempting to put together something that was easy to use.

  • Raelenerose
    2,966 Posts
    Mon, Apr 21 2014 2:09 AM

    Can i just say WOW  and bummer...just been reading this thinking what a wonderful thing this would be ..then to read the last post...........bummer what a lot of gr8 work to go no where.must be a big disappointment Kat.....but thanks for a gr8 effort on everyones behalf wether they appreciated it or not.

    as we say over here........shame shame shame.
