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Penalize Quitters!!!!

Tue, Sep 28 2010 12:03 AM (68 replies)
  • cmaster136
    255 Posts
    Sat, Sep 25 2010 7:23 PM

    I could not agree mor, I just finished a game with a Master, I was beating him.  Ont the 16 green he told me he had to go, I said OK. He would n't even disconnect afte his time had expired several times he was discoinnected and I finished by myself.  It happens much to often that a player will start having a bad round and just quit before scores get posted so that it doesn't hurt their standings. I get tired of playing a multiplayer game for an hour just to finsh by myself. Penalize these people, if they disconnect before the third hole is completed no problem, after the 6th or 7th big problem.

  • cmaster136
    255 Posts
    Sat, Sep 25 2010 7:27 PM

    If there is a trend with certain players something could and should be done. Everyone had a bad round now and then, but finish the game. It is afterall just a game, play by the rules or don't play at all!

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sat, Sep 25 2010 8:27 PM

    This is only 1 scenario, and there are countless more that your solution doesn't address.

    My proposal addresses every imaginable scenario. If you bothered to read it before dismissing it, you would see that.

    In your power-outage scenario, the player who dropped out would not be penalized but, of course, he'd be given the option to finish the round on his own. It would be his choice to accept a reputation drop or finish the round alone. Power outages are so infrequent that even if this player didn't want to finish the round alone, the resulting reputation drop for him would be negligible.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 9:51 AM

    Your suggestions allows for each player to make a choice; to either finish in solo mode or to take a drop in reputation. Then it makes provisions for the last player left on the course to drop, without having to make the same choice.

    I have read it many times, far too many actually. I only dismissed it after careful consideration. It is problematic in its concept, implementation, and effectiveness.

    I certainly agree with the option to choose to continue in solo mode or face a drop in reputation, but this would have to be the same for all players regardless of whether they are the first to drop from a round, or the last one left there.

    Short of that, taking away the option to exit the round and forcing each and every player to finish each and every round is the only viable option. There is NO true way to determine the validity of a dropped round. This was the cause of the massive failure of the rep feature the first time around, and it will repeat itself if they try it again. It doesn't get any more fair than to give everyone the same options. And again, once sand-baggers know that they have to resume a round and that they can not prevent the score from posting, their behaviors will change. This is the truest goal.


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 10:02 AM

    this would have to be the same for all players regardless of whether they are the first to drop from a round, or the last one left there.

    Not at all; that's utterly fallacious. This is where WGT's first attempt floundered: that they failed to distinguish between quitters and their victims. The two sets of players must not be treated equally; that is the whole point.

    There is NO true way to determine the validity of a dropped round.

    Especially, there is NO NEED to determine that. It's unimportant! That's exactly why accurate reputation tracking is possible.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 10:19 AM

    Let me get this right,

    It is of utter importance to treat quitters differently, so victims aren't treated unfairly, but it absolutely not necessary to determine the validity of a dropped round, lol.

    Go ahead, have the last word, I'm done!

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 10:36 AM

    It is of utter importance to treat quitters differently, so victims aren't treated unfairly, but it [is] absolutely not necessary to determine the validity of a dropped round, lol.

    Absolutely, that's 100% sound logic!    There's no need at all to determine "validity", because the "quitters" and their "victims" are automatically determined by the sequence of disconnections. Whoever remains on the course alone, is the "victim", while those who disconnected from him, are "quitters". But, each of those potential quitters can choose to finish the round alone later on. This will allow innocent victims of software/real-life issues (without WGT ever having to examine those issues!) to escape the reputation drop. But the habitual quitters would be very efficiently thwarted, because they would either have to finish the unsuccessful round on their own (which is something they don't want to do), or they'd have to suffer a reputation drop for each such willful disconnection, which would pretty soon mark them as "quitters" in everyone's eyes.

      As you can see, all scenarios are fully covered by this arrangement, and reputation tracking can therefore be 100% accurate and fair for everyone, with next to no additional effort needed on the part of WGT's software developers.  

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 11:42 AM

    As you can see, all scenarios are fully covered by this arrangement, and reputation tracking can therefore be 100% accurate and fair for everyone

    This is so easy even a caveman can understand..............

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 11:51 AM

      Thanks for that fine executive summary, Andy! I've been suggesting this since at least December 2009, and I wonder if anyone at is ever listening to these kinds of suggestions?    (It certainly doesn't help we have 500 simultaneous quitters threads instead of 1 central quitters thread; valuable discussion may easily get lost that way.)

  • grey7
    34 Posts
    Sun, Sep 26 2010 12:45 PM

    *** wgt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,everyone should quit...   butt they sell worthless gb to make coin..................thats were the money is....cant buy clubs anymore  fu wgt there too...... an please do *** me some more with your meter............its working well.............