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Changes to the Elite Collection - Customize your WGT experience

Tue, Jan 3 2017 5:14 PM (172 replies)
  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 4:32 AM

    To be fair to the golfbag it actually adds a whole new "where's the bag?" minigame.

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 3:01 AM


    What the hell do you want us to do with our credits, buy a WGT-branded cap for $200?

    Nope $5000 and you can't even wear it when you're playing a round of golf in RL!


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 9:07 AM

    WOW for a grand you can phone chat with Chad! 

  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 10:47 AM

    Stating "This is Pebble Beach calling!" might make him more obliging ;)

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 11:19 AM

    clearly the elite collection impacts players who are here for money or something of real value.

    clearly wgt needs to make money.  

    all i want is a new course once in a while and to continue having a good time with other players. 

    I can count on one hand how many matches I've had with top 100 elites in this game.

    guess all i'm saying is this is a game, not a job, not a cash cow .......for me.  If it is/was for you then this hurts a bit.

    I can't fault wgt for tracking their income trends and trying to maintain a level that will sustain this game for years to come and keep it coming up with courses.

    sorry if you guys can't get your gift cards. but you can still win trips of a life time if you want to bother with that.

    I gave away more than I've ever spent on myself so wgt doesn't need me around.  Funny thing is.......I want to be here, I dig this game.  If it were about credits or money i'd have been gone the day I arrived.

    If anyone really cared about the future of wgt and how much fun they can have playing it, then they'd also care about their success.  But, it's a "me" world out there..........even a game can't escape that reality.  sadly

    it appears wgt is trying to remain viable for years to come.  Is this latest update a success in that effort?  who doesn't sound like it based on readings here, but they are trying.  For me, that is encouraging.

    new courses makes longevity......that's the core.  the peripherals - clubs/balls/etc....that helps keep us here too but clearly not critical to our enjoyment the basic game.

    i dont' mean to offend anyone.  It's just clear that wgt will only exist if it operates from a surplus and so it seems are many of it's players.  I'm all for the former ......and the latter will perhaps have to evaluate why they 'play' in the first place.

    all i ever really wanted was a nifty wgt coffee mug any how.  maybe the next update will have something for me :)  

    to be honest, the only time i ever looked at the elite section was by accidentally clicking it or to see what all the fuss was about after reading here.  nothing was ever attainable in my world.  there's no point to this comment other than, again, it doesn't keep me from having fun playing wgt knowing I can't ever win enough to convert credits for the stuff in there.

    p.s. - i sure hope i didn't upset anyone with this.  just my point of view.  everyone on my friends list is Elite in my book.  

  • GambitMaia
    93 Posts
    Wed, Jan 9 2013 5:22 PM

    Well... 3 thousand REAL bucks for a custom virtual golf bag, 5 thousand REAL bucks for a custoom virtual avatar. WGT just laughed at our faces right now.

  • fravel
    1,716 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 1:52 AM


    Hello community :)

    Looking forward to the new year, there are a lot of changes I would like to make everyone aware of. We made mention of the possibility of removing the gift cards from the Elite Collection on the forums a few weeks ago, and we will in fact be moving forward with that. I strongly suggest that if anyone is saving credits in order to purchase a gift card please consider this, and to cash out before January 9th, when the gift cards are removed.

    Now, on to the good stuff:

    • Something tells me one or two of you have looked at your avatar, or the new golf bag that was just released and thought: "I could design a much better color scheme than that" Yes, that's right - it has been requested by the community for as long as I can remember so I am happy to announce that in an update in early January, WGT will be adding customizable Avatars and Golf Bags as an item in the Elite Collection! These golf bags and avatars will use the same models as the existing golf bags and avatars, only you will have the option to decide on the colors and patterns used when building it. Your current golf bags/avatars will not be affected when these are released.
    • WGT will be adding to the Elite Collection the option to purchase actual, real life tee times at actual, real life courses! Using credits earned in the game, you can purchase tee times at: Wolf Creek, Kiawah, Edgewood and Celtic Manor.
    • Coming to the Elite Collection shortly after this major update (probably February): WGT branded shirts, hats, golf towels and bag tags! Show off your love of the game on the real life courses :)
    • Another item being added to the Elite Collection is a 60 minute private chat with MisterWGT. I'm sure our community will find creative uses for this one ;)


    There are some BIG changes on the map for 2013 in WGT - I will see you then!


    Stay classy,



    Hell man i was looking forward to this,not anymore

    Now, on to the good stuff:

    Wow again non for me


  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 7:21 AM

    i just cant believe this

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 8:11 AM

    I have an idea. Offer a 'woopy cussion' at the 'Elite Collection' pro-shop.

    You could charge say 100,000 credits. It would make a loud fart sound everytime you miss a birdy putt.

    It would be something for the player to strive for & save credits for it would be a good deal for WGT revenue.

    just a passing thought (ooo gas ,,uggg)

  • Madbg
    15 Posts
    Thu, Jan 10 2013 12:56 PM

    This is total ***, there is people in here that store their credits for years  for something big like real golf clubs or real money or a trip and what happens one day there is no such prize, but  only stupid things :(  as i said total ***!!!!!