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disconnect game errors

rated by 0 users
Thu, Apr 15 2021 7:00 AM (9 replies)
  • HuskerJ
    1 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 11:01 AM

    WGT is crashing on me EVERY TIME I PLAY! I'm sick of this crap! 

    At the very least they need their servers to make snapshots of the games after every shot and revert to the most recent saved game in case of a crash. I am at the point of leaving WGT for good. Absolute crap!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 2:48 PM


    WGT is crashing on me EVERY TIME I PLAY! I'm sick of this crap! 

    At the very least they need their servers to make snapshots of the games after every shot and revert to the most recent saved game in case of a crash. I am at the point of leaving WGT for good. Absolute crap!


    Sorry to hear that. Please give this a read. parts 1 and 2 should cover most issues. Please try all for for main 3 browsers.


  • pjctas0822
    4,583 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 8:50 AM

    I just started a new thread about the game crashing and not being able to conitnue a round. This is the first time it has happened to me and hope this doesnt continue.

    I read that link and that doesnt help me at all . It is definitely something new because in the 9 months I have been playing this game I never had such an error. When game froze in the past I had been able to save then reset browser and continue this time it didnt work.

    Cost me some credits ya know.

  • TimHorton
    10 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2021 2:44 PM

    Agreed.    Not worth the time or chips to even try starting a game.   "This game no longer exists"  is now the usual instead of once in a while.    And your chips are long gone. 

  • bossbird
    2,209 Posts
    Thu, Apr 15 2021 6:50 AM


      The 1st 3 hole coin game tonight . I noticed that there was lagging in between holes . It has been a long time since I have seen that . Usually it is only my pre tee loading/rendering that is slow .But my opponent told me that the loading issue is affecting many many players .

      The 2nd 3 hole coin game tonight . The lagging between holes was even worse . The guy even asked me if I had a bad connection . I said it wasn't me .

      The 3rd 3 hole coin game tonight . As always the pre tee loading/rendering took almost 3 minutes instead of 2 . But the lagging in between holes was no longer there . Thank goodness . I didn't want to deal with that one too . I did that for mega years in Flash .

    It’s because there is a showdown going on , lots of players in that three hole coin room , it always slows down .