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Tour Legends, tournament update

Mon, Jan 16 2023 4:47 PM (106 replies)
  • seacrawler
    24 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2019 12:24 AM

    Why you want to play them for? Same players WIN them all and at all levels. WGT. Thinks you're to dumb to notice sh!t like that.. Too funny.. Players dropping like FLIES!

  • seacrawler
    24 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2019 12:24 AM

    Why you want to play them for? Same players WIN them all and at all levels. WGT. Thinks you're to dumb to notice sh!t like that.. Too funny.. Players dropping like FLIES!

  • seacrawler
    24 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2019 12:24 AM

    Why you want to play them for? Same players WIN them all and at all levels. WGT. Thinks you're to dumb to notice sh!t like that.. Too funny.. Players dropping like FLIES!

  • BOZskills
    407 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2019 5:03 AM

    To dumb to notice you were posting to a 3 year old thread!!!(3 times). Lmao!

  • MarchieB
    1,527 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2019 6:54 AM


  • el3n1
    4,501 Posts
    Sun, Nov 10 2019 10:22 AM

    must be quilting season... the needles have come out : ) 

  • Bradass0
    1,094 Posts
    Sun, Feb 23 2020 2:53 AM



    good luck in even getting wgt to reply to you

    wgt is like any other group of people. If you ask nice and propose realistically, they'll respond like adults in a timely manner. If you respond with gibberish or petulance, they'll respond after they've dealt with actual people.

    well i have contacted WGt regarding others being racist and got no where with them. i have contacted them regarding harrasment and wgt seem fine with letting that happen also.

    seems like the best thing to be on here is a racist bully and wgt will love you forever

    I concur!

    Politics, and Money all they are concerned with. And letting trolls bash anyone who makes a comment here they don't agree with. Examples of this will follow my comment. Watch and see,.

  • Rage4Order
    3 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 3:28 PM

    how can a player with 6 months as a member become a tour legend?....well there is a player on here, goes by kenyvu99...i played him in match play and every shot was 5-8 feet from the cup in strong i checked out his stats and he only a member since august of 2019 and already a tour legend??...further checking into his profile, he went from a tour master to tour legend in 2 months!!....there is significant knowledge that some players have a way of cheating on wgt, if its for credits or upgrades in equipment, ive been a member for 6 years and only been a legend for a few months myself. I dont think anyone,regardless how good can proceed to tour legend in 6 months.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Mon, Feb 24 2020 6:48 PM


  • dweeb14
    2 Posts
    Tue, Feb 25 2020 5:33 AM

    I am level69 master. Have been master since high 50s. Only play during sponsorship. My power levels are extremely high because of, maybe that might have to do with early progress