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Tour Legends, tournament update

Mon, Jan 16 2023 4:47 PM (106 replies)
  • YouLostToALoser
    198 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 7:30 AM


    Can someone help me understand this game. A recent Tournament at Wolf Creeks was put up. So I thought have a go why not. Everyone had the same clubs but it said nothing about balls. I assume the slow emter brigade were out in force. I by some miracle never hit the line once over the first 2 holes but was  level par. The next hole disaster missed the line into the rough greens were newar impossible to read ended up with a 7. Decided to have another go but had alook at the leaderboard...alist the length of your arm had hit 52 or 53. Now I don't care who you are or how well you think you can play but those scores without computer enhancement simply are impossible. So how is it done? not like they all had apex clubs so how can they birdie or eagle every game plus WGT have the brass neck to call the game realistic.


    It’s far from impossible. I shot 58 and am only a Tour Legend. I had won some Titlelist slow meter balls in the free par 3  thing they have, but it didn’t make too much difference. I shot 54 on there before. 

    It practice, practice , practice. I’ve played 2 years in October but level 100 as I played a Best of Par 5 everyday for 5-600 days straight (highest score for Xp for levelling up.

    Trust me, play 2 hours everyday, get 150cr with ads everyday and get the best equipment you can and breaking 60 won’t seam as crazy.

    Good luck… 


  • Lilpapei
    123 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2022 10:49 AM

    Unfortunately, WGT doesn't align their game with the pro game as we know it.  Or any of the lower tiers of golfers just trying to get to the PGA.

    Do you know anyone who shoots low 50s or lower?

    WGT's MOM does, daily!

    This game is so full of BS and things that just don't make sense that I can't believe anyone with a golfing mentality would even make a game that makes a mockery of the game they are trying to emulate!  

    Long live the PGA, and you know what I think of the monkeys that code this game!!!


  • Lilpapei
    123 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2022 10:58 AM

    We don't need LUCK, YOULOSTTOALOSER, we need to get rid of gamers like you who just pillage the game.  Do you really think that your practicing got you to those lower tiers of scores?  Empty out your ball bag and put your brain cell in there!

  • Tony08888
    570 Posts
    Mon, Sep 19 2022 11:26 AM

    Fist2K8 & Lilpapei,

    In real life PGA players do not get to play 9 holes in 20 minutes. Therefore they do not get to play the same 9 holes 20 times a day over and over again until each course is mastered.

    Also, there is an infinite number of variables in real life that are impossible to program into a game making the game infinitely easier to master than real life golf. There are a lot of players that do put in that kind of time and are just that good.

    They know exactly where to land the ball on the green for the easy uphill straight putt. They know how to aim in a 25 MPH crosswind to a 14 speed green in order to land the ball in that exact spot.

    It is all about practice, asking the right questions, making notes and watching great players play the game. Those are just a few examples of what it takes to improve.

    Not trying to be disrespectful. Really I’m not, but a level 81 Tour Pro and level 93 Master shows that both of you are putting in very little if any time practicing and trying to get your game to another level. Playing isn’t practicing.

    Practicing is hitting the same shot over and over again until it is mastered. From the rough, the bunker, the fringe or a 265 yard 3w shot to the back corner of a green. That is practicing.

    I know a ton of players including yours truly who was at Legend tier by level 85 because time and practice was put in.

    I was in a club with Fmagnets and when a club tournament was set up with club of the week he was shooting low 50’s like it was just another day at the office.

    People can be really great at something without cheating.

  • YouLostToALoser
    198 Posts
    Mon, Jan 16 2023 4:47 PM


    We don't need LUCK, YOULOSTTOALOSER, we need to get rid of gamers like you who just pillage the game.  Do you really think that your practicing got you to those lower tiers of scores?  Empty out your ball bag and put your brain cell in there!

    Sorry what are you suggesting? That 100’s of people are cheating? Then why would I only cheat myself to a 56, when others shot 52’s?

    I get it, it’s very frustrating, but try watching someone on Twitch or YouTube. There’s hundreds, even thousands of videos of people playing full rounds. 

    It’s about consistency, using same equipment and balls and knowing your distances with every club, with amount of spin on the ball, then the real hard work starts holing every putt. Learn to read the greens, the speeds, and yes, unfortunately, like anything in life you want to get good at, it takes time and practice.

    I recommend Young46 as he has a lot of videos, so probably every course, in alsorts of wind, greenspeeds etc and is one of, if not the best.

    Get back to me when you take the time to see how it’s done, on video, live even, for all to see. Or skin off my nose. I remember thinking what they do was impossible, but, I love playing, it’s free (watch ads) and slowly but surely, I got to the point where I couldn’t just see how they do it, but I can too. 

    Just shot 54 on Congressional, missing a 5 foot, easy putt on 9 through rushing. That reminded me to take my time. You can take as long as you want. Don’t rush. Hell, stop playing and come back after some backrubs with your boyfriend, and pick it back up. It lets you resume.

    Good luck. Hope you calm down (those back rubs will help...