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Practice areas

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 10 2010 11:37 PM (3 replies)
  • MikeCreighton
    3 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 1:58 PM

    It would be nice to work on different aspects of the game without having to do a full round.

    Could have different practice areas for:

    - chipping
    - putting
    - sand traps

  • rehill
    431 Posts
    Sat, May 8 2010 2:35 PM

    Here is the player suggestion list. 



    What you can do is play a three hole practice round and use your max shots to practice various chips and putts. You can hit into a sand trap and practice getting out, then hit right back in and try it again. The same thing goes for putts.

  • Warto
    29 Posts
    Mon, May 10 2010 8:06 PM

    Even a mulligan button in practice rounds 

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Mon, May 10 2010 11:37 PM


    As rehill mentions - you can make your own practice rounds.

    I usually go for 18 holes (marathon) - you have 10 shots max per hole. So you can put yourself, wherever you want on the course - sand traps, different degrees of rough etc etc and practice your chips, pitches and putting.

    If you turn your avatar round to face you on the tee, you can practice your driving. You'll just hit the shot out of bounds and the ball comes back to the tee - you'll get 10 drives before you move hole. Then do it all over again on the next hole. Helps with your timing.

    On the greens you might get max of 4 shots in before you move holes (4 putts, chips, pitches etc) - and you dont have to worry about racking up the shots they dont count on a practice round.

    I find the practice rounds invaluable if you are a bit shaking in some aspects of your game. Just go practice.

    Hope that helps.

