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Putts are not counted as a hit to the ball

Wed, Jul 18 2012 7:38 AM (11 replies)
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  • alosso
    21,040 Posts
    Wed, Jul 18 2012 7:06 AM

    "No difference" is only true while putting.

    I played the low budget game for a long time, well into TP. Starter clubs (mainly), Starter ball. With the first custom balls I got another, better game due to the slower meter, the increased length and foremost due to the spin.

    But if you say you'll get your ball dow from videos etc, that's a makable way to save money.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, Jul 18 2012 7:38 AM

    This is going to sound cold but I don't think WGT should compensate anything after 7/07. WGTNiblick posted about this issue on 7/06 and WGTIcon posted here about it on 7/07. Those of you who continued to play the tourney did so with your wide open, knowing the cost in balls to play.

    WGT should have made an immediate announcement in the tournament section of the forums but the company's lack of communication in any meaningful manner is becoming legendary. Nevertheless, the issue was fairly quickly discovered and was being discussed.

    So, since the end of the first week of July, it should be considered you played at your own risk and knew the expense involved. WGT acknowledged the problem but never promised compensation.

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