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NATION only Putting Challenge

Tue, Dec 10 2024 1:07 PM (397 replies)
  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 3:50 AM

    Far better to be considered  a "tool" than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. Seriously though, if, for some unknown reason you don't have it in you to laugh along with us, at least try to laugh at us. It may improve your disposition.


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 2:31 PM

    Could someone write another thread in the area below this one in the forums. The current one has been there weeks and it's closed so there can be no further interest in it at all. Or re-open it so we can all enjoy whatever goes on in it.

    Closing it and just leaving it smacks of poor housekeeping, and with all the new gung-ho mods, surely one of you must have the gumption to keep things moving?

    Or not hey?


    Lizzie xx

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 6:07 PM

    Ahh, Lizzie,

    While this topic has gotten extremely off topic, and, degenerated to it's lowest possible common denominator, there is life on our planet that may still be able to construct meaningful discourse on this subject. Unfortunately, there are still those who would rather wallow in muck and mire, resorting to un-called for comments at others attempts at humor and, in general seek to drag us all into their pit of negativity. Blessed are the humorous, for they, if no one else, are able grasp the higher conceptt that life is too short for petty things. If this shoe fits, please let me know so that
    i may remove you fom my "Friends" list, although it's unlikely you were on it in the first place.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 10:22 PM

    Could someone write another thread in the area below this one in the forums.


    Only one way to go Lizzie!


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 10:33 PM


    Could someone write another thread in the area below this one in the forums. The current one has been there weeks and it's closed so there can be no further interest in it at all. Or re-open it so we can all enjoy whatever goes on in it.

    Closing it and just leaving it smacks of poor housekeeping, and with all the new gung-ho mods, surely one of you must have the gumption to keep things moving?

    Or not hey?


    Lizzie xx

    We haven't got the permissions to Write a New Post there Lizzie.  Wgt is only people allowed to write a new post in that section


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Aug 18 2012 4:37 AM

    Lizzie...ask and you wish can come

    A new post has been started in the section below us.... nice work young lady:)


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sat, Aug 18 2012 8:51 AM




    Lizzie xx


    Edit. ^^ possibly my shortest post. Setting the trend all over again.

    Which reminds me, who among us has ever esperimented with poached eggs? I only ask because I recently uncovered that as a breakfast staple, they are unbeatable...

    Now now Shoop. I know what you're thinking when I say esperiment with food stuffs, but I actually meant it as a culinary question. Not what you had in mind, sorry.

    Anyway, on to that of which I was reminded.

    Lizzie xx