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WGT Congressional Championship Winners

Mon, Jul 16 2012 7:14 AM (79 replies)
  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:08 PM

    Not defending but all this wasted space for what? Wgt does not care it would be more helpful to spread tips or something instead of a topic that been going on for almost 2 weeks. WGT wants more money and they are giving it to them. Ok mio you get your wish and they get booted what will you get? A glass of milk and some cookies?

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:12 PM

    It is unfair to the honest players that tried to compete but out of all these facts that have been stated there has only been one reply from wgt so that says alot right there don't you agree?

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:27 PM


    i am starting to think NOTOTHIS works for WGT lol i am a legend and i am not complaining,but a cheater is a cheater is a cheater,they never win in the end.Except on this site lol

    Lmao i wish i wouldn't be broke. But unlike you i do play this game and not harrass the females  which alot of complained about in the past from you. But your friends list says it all alot of half naked females on there too. I can understand how you have been playing for 3 years and and havent got better. Golf game not a match finder.

  • tramilleo
    1,890 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:38 PM

    so maybe just maybe if reported to a commission,like everything else in life,if enough complain,then something is done.Remember***only thing needed for evil to flourish,is for  good  People To Say NOTHING*****,don't  fall in line with the rest of the sheeple,think outside the box,if enough speak actions follow,hope they don't ban me lol i am a legend with One ACCOUNT,and i have played for 3 years,i have earned every club i have,i have never received a gift,i smoke weed,but the best of my memory i have not received a gift,and i have spent at least $ 500 US dollars in that time.I have only ever complained about the meter and this experiment with realism,wgt never had the laws of motion,gravity,or physics comparable to our planet lol tired of that,but i digress,i have spent money ,not trying to win anything as you can see by my stats i don't play ready to go's.MPC,SKINS for money,if it involves creds,i don't play hate to gamble like that,but i hate a lying,thieving cheater worse than anything and if wgt will not make it a level field and but continues taking OUR money,why should they not be accountable? i am held accountable to everything,so they have my money shouldn't they be too??????SPEAK Up  Again Remember**********Out Of Many...........ONE.......*********

  • tramilleo
    1,890 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:45 PM

    Your a funny little guy lol i have played almost every day in those 3 years.I don't know about you or yours but my mother taught me how to treat a girl,young lady,and a woman,so your words are pointless,my friends list is a mixture of decent folk,unlike yourself as evident by your attack on me when truthful words have been posted.If you cant stick to what is being discussed ,or rather pay attention to the flow of the conversation,then you maybe should not post, even a fool is thought to be wise when silent,why open your mouth and remove any doubt????I am now done with you child and i will nominate you to the block list Have A Good Day Sir

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:51 PM



  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 5:51 PM


    Your a funny little guy lol i have played almost every day in those 3 years.I don't know about you or yours but my mother taught me how to treat a girl,young lady,and a woman,so your words are pointless,my friends list is a mixture of decent folk,unlike yourself as evident by your attack on me when truthful words have been posted.If you cant stick to what is being discussed ,or rather pay attention to the flow of the conversation,then you maybe should not post, even a fool is thought to be wise when silent,why open your mouth and remove any doubt????I am now done with you child and i will nominate you to the block list Have A Good Day Sir

    lMAO and i could care less i've never even heard of you till you spoke my name so if you block me i won't even notice. Peace

  • Buckthebuck
    572 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 6:52 PM



    I honestly think you shouldn't waste your time. Understand that you could ban any of these that won prizes and next time this type of tournament is played it will be the same exact thing just different accounts, and the time after that, and the time after that. So although it might make you feel better it won't change a damn thing.

    At the end of the day the winners in these tiers got either a 25 dollar, 50 dollar or 100 dollar amazon gift card. No reason to be in a jealous (or non jealous) rage.

    Oddly enough Buck it looks like you gifted some items very early on to one of the Pro Tier winners. I'm sure its just coincidence but it does look a bit odd to me. 

    Its pretty easy to track back and look at who gifts products to whom on whos friends lists of people who are winning those tournaments. Theres a few legends who have gifted items that Pros or TP's are using to win their teirs.


    Why is that odd? I don't understand. From now on when I gift something to someone I will make them promise to me that they will never play in a Tournament or Ready Go or anything where you can win a prize.




  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 7:23 PM

    Before you speak do like GUCCI and hold that thought 

  • tramilleo
    1,890 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 7:28 PM

    thank you but no thank you