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WGT Congressional Championship Winners

Mon, Jul 16 2012 7:14 AM (79 replies)
  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 12:04 PM



    Very soon this game will lose all it's honest and legitimate players and will be full of only multi-accounters, sandbaggers and scammers.

    what do you mean very soon lol.

    I'd be more than curious to take a peek at the ip addresses of those who've won Amazon cards and see if the same ip address has been used to play any other other accounts across all tiers.

    this will never happen.....and yes folks will give same argument that 1 household....1 ip address but 3 folks playing wgt.

    sure or course that happens, but it is also the biggest curtain for multiaccounter to hide behind so needs looked into.....ip tracking is the best way to  catch out a lot (not all) of the multiaccounter skullduggery that is going least it would be a start.

    all the data is there to catch the dishonest players fiddling their brains out.

    nothing will ever get done about it....or it would have been done ages ago.



    Almost embarrassed to be lumped in with all the scumbags in the OP.   Whoever 'verifies' these scores at WGT needs to be replaced.

    I don't think anyone verifies them at all. I've never seen such a poor job done of a relatively simple task.

    If I'm wrong....I am willing to fly down to London and nail my gonads to Buckingham Palace with a rusty nail. 

    BTW...well done Sam for the left that late. :)

    Probably a few GC's will end up on here lol







    Very soon this game will lose all it's honest and legitimate players and will be full of only multi-accounters, sandbaggers and scammers.

    what do you mean very soon lol.

    I'd be more than curious to take a peek at the ip addresses of those who've won Amazon cards and see if the same ip address has been used to play any other other accounts across all tiers.

    this will never happen.....and yes folks will give same argument that 1 household....1 ip address but 3 folks playing wgt.

    sure or course that happens, but it is also the biggest curtain for multiaccounter to hide behind so needs looked into.....ip tracking is the best way to  catch out a lot (not all) of the multiaccounter skullduggery that is going least it would be a start.

    all the data is there to catch the dishonest players fiddling their brains out.

    nothing will ever get done about it....or it would have been done ages ago.



    Almost embarrassed to be lumped in with all the scumbags in the OP.   Whoever 'verifies' these scores at WGT needs to be replaced.

    I don't think anyone verifies them at all. I've never seen such a poor job done of a relatively simple task.

    If I'm wrong....I am willing to fly down to London and nail my gonads to Buckingham Palace with a rusty nail. 

    BTW...well done Sam for the left that late. :)

    Probably a few GC's will end up on here lol




    WGT silence= we don't care, not our problem, as long as the cash keeps rolling in!

    For all you who '***" about sandbaggers/multiacct's who like to play for prizes/credits? it's a computer game get with the PROGRAM(s)!!!!!




  • pjctas0822
    4,583 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 12:16 PM

    Seems alot of the honest players are now leaning towards that old saying..."If you cant beat them join them".


    WGT needs to get a handle on this especially when monetray gain is involved.

    It can be done. The question is will it.

    ICON your making yourself the Fall Guy?

    That doesnt resolve the issues !

    As alot of people suggest and I have in the past as well. Multi Accounts=Multi Dollars .

    Bad business practice !!

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 12:31 PM

    Is it possible that a single person (with four accounts) won all four of the lower tiered prizes?

    If this was the case, it completely puts a black eye on the game, and definitely shows WGT isn't putting resources into correcting this issue.

    I would think WGT would terminate every suspicious multi-account they found, or someone turned in. It isn't like these tainted accounts are hard to spot.

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 1:14 PM

    • I remember a fellow named duncanbryan that someone got booted who happens to be in this forum now. He may had been a previous legend but he wasn't sandbagging he moved up fairly quick but isn't that what we want?                                                                                                                                                              When your good and move up then your a mulit-accounter when you don't tier up your a sandbagger. But if your in a top cc nobody talks about you. I can name a few player's over 5000 in earnings and maybe have a year in this game tops but they are never spoke of unless it's something good. The main thing is people envy the ones that are good. I don't care if you have 5 accounts. If i dont play good or to my best i'm not going to win against anyone.                                                                                                                                                                                        Why some don't understand that concept i don't get. I looked at the 100 card winners in the 3 lower tiers and yeah odd they happen to be off for months then seem to know when a special event is being played they arise from the ashes. But for christ sake the winners had equipment to stand out and win. Give me a level 89 tour pro on congo and i'm shooting a 54 so the 58 he hit to me was horrible. Point is there are plenty double accounts and as mio said its ok especially if they inform wgt. So some of the ones you are bashing already have consent from wgt to do such so they are not the ones to blame. Only was to fix this is to go back to the old tier system.                                                                                  
      And ip address won't stop anything. That clear wire that is advertised i know people that have 3 in a house to each computer all different ip addresses cause it a wi-fi hub. Each has different ip so that's not gonna stop double accounts. Drink a beer take a shot or try some bath salt hear its making you eat people, may help you and me shoot a 49 who knows.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 2:23 PM


     And ip address won't stop anything.

    How the hell do you think the authorities clamp down on cyber crimes.....pedo's....& billion dollar copyright infringements/internet piracy? There's tools available that can be used to search back through multiple uses of proxies/anon proxies/ghost proxies in order to trace the original ip used.

    Sure......such methods are only used to catch big fish.........but it's all down to the ip address. What other method would you suggest.......considering this is an online game?

    So a static  IP address used to log in and play 10+ different wouldn't find that a bit suspicious at all? You wouldn't feel the need to check it out?

    Of course it won't catch every multiaccounter.......but it will catch many. It'll catch a damn site more than seems to happening right now.

    There's IP tools available that would check WGT's entire database records (including archives)....which would throw up a list of suspect IP addresses used to log into...say for instance 10+ accounts over the period of 12 months or whatever period.


  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 2:55 PM

    Oh it would but you missed my key point. If someone has more than one of those wi fi hubs in their house as someone will have more than one ip address. I can connect to my neighbor and it changes mine. Alot of work for wgt that i doubt they want to try to do. Hell they cant even fix the bugs that are current. Like since the match play stats have been put in this game everytime you set up a match it says they dont have enough credits. They can't sort out minor problems so what makes you think they are gonna invest the time in looking for multi accounts when its making their pockets fatter? If i can buy 2 beers for the price of one i would.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 3:10 PM


    MAC Address identification would work too. Each pc has it's own unique MAC address.

    Easiest option for WGT is to do nothing will get done. :)




  • MioKontic
    4,631 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 3:51 PM


    Hi all,

    It's my fault.


    Now that you've admitted that, what is going to happen to all the scammers in that competition?  And what is going to happen to the prizes?

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 4:49 PM

      i  see  you care  for  this  game   and its honest  members ,  saying  its  my  fault , is  verry  honorable  ,  but  i know   you  can  not  take  all the  blame ,,,,,    even  if  it  get  frustrating to see so  many   players   abusing  this  game ,  the  good  thing  for  us  honnest  players  is  we  tend  to play     with  players  we know  ,  players  we  (i)  saw the  first week  i joined  WGT .   ALT  game  is  saving  a lot  of  quitting from  the WGT  site .          all this  to  say       no  matter  what  happens , i will  stick  to  what i know  to be   real   ( WGT  friends,)                                

  • pjctas0822
    4,583 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2012 4:59 PM

    Only way WGT would take this seriously enough to do something about it is if US Honest players (no multi accounters) started to not play this game at all. They would lose revenue and most importantly their Customer CORE.

    Its basically up to us to do something not WGT.

    Going to go take a look at the new TW  series Game for PC.