Very soon this game will lose all it's honest and legitimate players and will be full of only multi-accounters, sandbaggers and scammers.
what do you mean very soon lol.
I'd be more than curious to take a peek at the ip addresses of those who've won Amazon cards and see if the same ip address has been used to play any other other accounts across all tiers.
this will never happen.....and yes folks will give same argument that 1 household....1 ip address but 3 folks playing wgt.
sure or course that happens, but it is also the biggest curtain for multiaccounter to hide behind so needs looked into.....ip tracking is the best way to catch out a lot (not all) of the multiaccounter skullduggery that is going on.....at least it would be a start.
all the data is there to catch the dishonest players fiddling their brains out.
nothing will ever get done about it....or it would have been done ages ago.
Almost embarrassed to be lumped in with all the scumbags in the OP. Whoever 'verifies' these scores at WGT needs to be replaced.
I don't think anyone verifies them at all. I've never seen such a poor job done of a relatively simple task.
If I'm wrong....I am willing to fly down to London and nail my gonads to Buckingham Palace with a rusty nail.
BTW...well done Sam for the win...you left that late. :)
Probably a few GC's will end up on here lol