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No Virtual Open Championship in 2012

Tue, Jun 2 2020 7:53 AM (139 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 2:33 PM

    You have any idea what is involved with bringing a new course to WGT? It's not easy,let alone all the time spent and restrictions that go along with it. At least they put together something in place of the open.

    I'll thank you not to patronize me. Of course I know what's involved, it's been laid out here many times. 

  • 8buster8
    649 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 2:34 PM

    new pins @ CCC and RSG would ease the pain

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 2:40 PM

    No Mike they don't, thats why they open mouth and insert foot because they do not understand all the work involved.

    Brilliant observation, Fuzzy. It's no secret what it takes and there is no hoof in mouth disease working here, just major disappointment.  Maybe this is a money issue which would really make me nervous. One course a year? Are you really content with that? 

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 2:51 PM

    After two failed surgeries last fall and another major surgery next week, total disability for almost a year. I'll take the new pins on Kiawah and be happy for my two hours a night on here since I can't sit much longer. Thanks for whatever we get, after all I'm a washed up has been anyway!  :) Thanks to all of you that play each day. It is still fun most of the time. 

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 3:03 PM

    come on guys......there's nothing beats the big bummer..

    if wgt'd had stated months ago...we'd have the US Open but no British Open it would only we a little bit of a bummer eh? at least announcing it this late on is a massive bummer and has the potential to be the longest thread to date. :)


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 3:04 PM


    WGT Congressional Championship - Special tournament the week of 6/25 on Congressional

    WGT St Andrews Championship - Special tournament the week of 7/16 on St Andrews

    WGT Kiawah Championship - Special tournament the week of 8/6 on Kiawah--featuring brand new WGT hole locations on Kiawah

    WGT Bethpage Championship - Special tournament the week of 8/20 on Bethpage

    Keep things like this coming please.

    More 4 round tournaments too please.




  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 3:26 PM

    This is a huge bummer. We all expect 2 courses a year, and then to only find out that we are only getting one course is extremely disappointing. There is nothing like a major tournament on here. It's something we all looks forward to. 

    Hoping we still get something big later this summer, but I'm totally gutted :-(

  • SPINO1
    5,394 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 3:47 PM

    Agreed Daz,but this sort of thing should be a given not a sweetner or suppliment for wgts lack of foresight. Well im really looking forward to the "special" tounaments with prizes for different skill levels ,you know the one, where the same old faces win the toughest one and the sandbaggers win the rest.cant wait..........

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 3:50 PM

    Well im really looking forward to the "special" tounaments with prizes for different skill levels ,you know the one, where the same old faces win the toughest one and the sandbaggers win the rest.cant wait..........

    Heh-WGT quietly dropped this pearl in another thread today. That should be interesting.

  • MioKontic
    4,642 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 3:50 PM

    As I'm most likely going to get hung, drawn and quartered over this, I might as well explain.  A few months ago, during a game with MisterWGT, I asked when Muirfield would be photographed because I was thinking of going up and doing a news report on it.  He said he didn't know.  The next bit is where the misunderstanding occurred.  Either he said that the last one was done in Sept/Oct, which I probably took as meaning Lytham, or he may have said that last year it was done in Sept/Oct when he was actually thinking about RSG the previous year, but again I took as being Lytham.  Unfortunately, as this was in-game chat there is no longer any record of what was actually said, not that it really matters.  Quite simply, I misunderstood, my fault.

    I too am disappointed we aren't getting Lytham as I love playing links courses... in real life.  Unfortunately, they don't quite play the same on WGT.  But, to be honest, I don't play half the courses we have now, so not adding a new course maybe isn't such a big deal.  I am sure we will get new courses in the future, even if we have to wait until next year for the next US Open course, so I would say to just enjoy what we have and enjoy more when something new comes along.