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The 1,000,000th post on meter issues, which is just like all the others

Wed, Jun 2 2010 4:08 AM (28 replies)
  • lilrob88
    870 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 9:49 PM

    First of all this is a great game and I love it. But I have one plea, which many others do as well.

    The meter as of late has become very inconsistent. Now I can imagine the replies to this all ready..... "clean your flash, cache, etc......."

    Well i've done that stuff a million times. Its much easier to blame the issue on someones pc than to attempt and solve the issue.

    Truth is with the mass threads such as this one it cant be the pc's fault alone.

    The site Im sure has quite a few registered users. Think the last number I saw was around 1,000,000. But I also understand the fact that probably only 30-40% of those accounts are active, if that many. Still the fact of the matter is servers can only withstand so much traffic before they begin to lag.

    A simple suggestion I may give, which I'm sure isnt in the game plan for WGT. but I'll throw out there anyway is implementing a download for this game, if not now then at least somewhere down the road. Then if issues persist its the users pc :)

    Just my two cent. Can be a little frustrating at time throwing tourneys down the drain because of a faulty meter.


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Apr 20 2010 11:27 PM

    ^ Im with Rob 100 %. I love the game but you can take your new courses and your flag avatars, and all the trouble that pops up but the #1 handicapp problem is the meter.I change browsers I get different results. I get a friend invite..spike? One spike or stutter and your done. Im not in a lot of finals for tourneys but it is still very frustrating when you have a decent score and it gets lost by one shot. Not to mention the lost balls.."in beta no less". If you are to become the premier on-line game, meter must be addressed imo.Getting old wgt. GL

    701 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 12:02 AM

    Very frustrating...I quit playing anything that effects my average or my stats, cause it's just killing'em...BTW forget about the money, I want to see my name up around the top of the leaderboard.I don't mind getting beat by other players but I hate getting my hat handed to me by a meter.

    A bad shot is a bad shot,thats true, but come on, are you kidding me?

    The last three times my ball failed to find the fairway, it resulted in a lost ball.

    I don't have that problem in "practice mode" for some reason.

    It needs fixing cause it seems to be getting worse by the day.I really didn't want to post a complaint about the meter, because we all know it does what it does and usually smooths itself back out, but this time it 's going the other way, and fast...

    Other than that, I love the place...

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 6:12 AM

    A simple suggestion I may give, which I'm sure isnt in the game plan for WGT. but I'll throw out there anyway is implementing a download for this game, if not now then at least somewhere down the road. Then if issues persist its the users pc :)

    A download version would eliminate servers and our internet connection from the lag/stutter equation for single player mode.  But the Flash platform issues with memory and real time usage would still exist and probably be worse because the PC now takes on the additional work of calculating ball flight, fetching the images from the local disc drive, etc.

    Then there's the storage of 1,000,000 high-def images on our disc drives.

    I wonder how much the meter would improve if

    • The Friends/Invite functions were  removed to a separate, low priority, pop-up window with less frequent updates.
    • All other animations on the game play were removed (tiny flag waving on the mini-hole, the ball position flashes, the periodic highlite across our names in the upper left)
    • The timer in multi-player was hidden until the last 15 or 20 seconds
    • Incoming chat messages are disabled while the stroke is active. (backswing, downswing)  Anyone know for sure if new chat messages are displayed during the downswing?
  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 6:32 AM

    Incoming chat messages are disabled while the stroke is active. (backswing, downswing)  Anyone know for sure if new chat messages are displayed during the downswing?

    They absolutely are and this is a tactic I have run into many times in challenge matches by players trying to distract me during my shot.  I always wait until a player has struck the ball to send chat message.

    @Rob's OP.  I'm totally with you.  The number of posts on this subject is growing like crazy, and many from the same people who seldom had issues 6-8 months ago on the very same computers.  Yes our computers do play a role, but no one call tell me that the servers aren't part of the problem.  Why do many people complain about freeze, lag, and deviations on the psj servers more than the wgtgt servers?  When I play on psj servers, meter problems are out of hand as happened in this months Master Tier Open.  My fault for not rebooting until I got hooked up with wgtgt server.

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 6:38 AM

    I had a RG yesterday (st. andrews) where the meter paused on the way down at least 4 times.   Weird thing is the meter was relatively fine the other RG I played (Kiawah 18).

    Maddening at times.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 6:46 AM

    A simple suggestion I may give, which I'm sure isnt in the game plan for WGT. but I'll throw out there anyway is implementing a download for this game, if not now then at least somewhere down the road. Then if issues persist its the users pc :)

    I asked about that possibility last year and it was never addressed. I believe it's about control and letting downloads happen takes this away. WGT needs total control over everything within the game, IMO.

    You've been here a little over a year, rob, and I'm here almost one. I don't think the meter has changed one iota since I started. Do you? It's to the point that now I'm believing this is it, take it or leave it on the meter issues. I'm OK with that because I'm fortunate to have a machine that does OK here. Guys like jakestanfill get hosed, though, because they don't. 

    I don't think WGT is ignoring any of the howling but I also think they have their sights set on what the future is going to bring and short of changing the entire meter interface they aren't going to do much more about it. Hence, my take it or leave it thinking.

    This is not saying  tough noogies to anyone for their meter issues, it's just a bit of reality IMO.

    337 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 7:29 AM

    Well by June 1st traffic will spike big time...

    I really don't have meter issues...maybe I don't play that much as you fellows.

    But this issue has a chance of changing because it is technological related.

    Where as the other major issue (quitters) isn't and won't.

    Since I no longer play with anyone  (non-tourney)  I have eliminated that issue.

    So Life Is Good here...:)



  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 7:35 AM

    If I had an Internet business, and all I had to do was offer my customers a product that was less then desirable in many aspects, and the money kept pouring in, I would do little or nothing to address (fix) the problems with the product too.

    That's a CEO's way of life, right?

    It's amazing how WGT reads these forums day in and day out, and sees their customers write with earnest about a product that is flawed in many areas, and just sit idly by and let the people continue to write about the issues with the game, and do nothing about them. WGT should have made a product that would've stifled even the harshest of critics from the very beginning.

    I mean, the one most important aspect of the game is the swing meter, and it's proven to be the worst part of the product. How can WGT just keep implementing all the wrong things in the game without addressing the most important part of the game? The swing meter should have been the very first thing WGT addressed when writing the game three + years ago, then this conversation between the members, and WGT wouldn't be taking place today.

    Just saying.

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2010 7:40 AM

    You've been here a little over a year, rob, and I'm here almost one. I don't think the meter has changed one iota since I started. Do you?

    It absolutely has YJ.  I didn't have the first concern about the meter until late fall of last year.  Every update continues degradation even further.  WGT has admitted that each update makes the demand on the system even greater and that's why I am seeing the problem grow.  

    I agree with you on take it or leave.  I have 65k in credits to go before purchasing the $250 gift card.  When I get there, the LEAVE IT seems entirely likely.  The issue has taken most of the fun out of the game and now view it solely as a job.  

    I keep hoping to see some improvement as I truly love this game when it works properly.  Trouble is those instances are happening with diminishing frequency.