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Re: Dev's present a country club challenge - Week 5 and on

Wed, Oct 26 2011 9:51 AM (98 replies)
  • JAFO12
    2,105 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 7:45 AM


    . You as well JAFO...Jumping in on something you are absolutely CLUELESS about... Again, another RUDE remark which seems just sooo typical. Bring down...???



    Here again is a WGT player starting a fire storm with comments and then can’t handle the reproductions. 1st, EDGEBOY I was involved from the start and have watched and played in the tourney.

    2nd you, yes you and no one else gave 7 teams congrats when there were 9???? Bringing down 2 teams of your choice?  So stop defending yourself and man up, you deserve whatever comes of this. A big SORRY to Lou and the other teams would be your best choice. But, we all know that’s not coming anytime soon!!!!!!!!!!!



  • overtheedge
    5,878 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 8:27 AM

    Again...ANOTHER inaccurate and immature remark "by" Amy..Andrew..Aaron..Alfred, or whoever is behind the name JAFO12. Like I mentioned earlier...YOU  are clueless in this matter so why come into a topic that is over you head. You are out and out "assuming" in your last post as well as every post you put in this thread. You as well as TBE and genorb leaped into this thread after my original post, throwing out RUDE and ARROGANT comments without THINKING and at the least questioning my post and NOW your embarrassed because you didn't think before you commented. So what to do..go on the defensive? Yes!  Your back peddling to clear yourself of any wrong doing...LMAO! AGAIN..just soooo typical of you typical. You were all WRONG and now your not MAN enough to admit it or WOMEN enough...

    LET ME ADD and what I am finding very interesting.. WHY is it everyone form ELECTRA thinking it was YOUR CC I left out IF I was referring to only 7 out of a FULL 8 "ORIGINAL CC's invited to compete"?????? I have NOT SEEN ONE OTHER CC come in here "defending" themselves against a post that was made by me...veeeeery interesting..LMAO!

  • overtheedge
    5,878 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 8:53 AM

    This will be my last post in this thread:  In my original post I stated NOTHING to offend any one or any CC. YOU - JAFO, TBE and genorb DID. You ASSUMED something was directed towards you and your club for WHO knows WHY and then you had to start with RUDE and ARROGANT behavior, which we all know is typical. NOW... embarrassed because of those RUDE and ARROGANT remarks you go defensive. WHAT A freaking laughing stock...You are no longer worth my time. Anyone that takes the objective review of this thread will agree - you were all WRONG. (PERIOD)

    10,706 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 9:04 AM

    I have to admire you Jeff:),I hope this is the last thread from everyone too,We all expressed our feelings so its time to respect Lou once again and Cap it off by Congratulation Deviations who are always so tough to compete against,Well done:).Jeff your crazy!! ( oops  sorry)

  • overtheedge
    5,878 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 9:10 AM

    overtheedge Priestess...overtheedge...LMAO!!!! I haven't had one of these in a looooong time. So much bottled up...whoo

    10,706 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 9:14 AM


  • JAFO12
    2,105 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 9:38 AM

    I think Edgeboy has gone OVERTHEEDGE.


    Hugs From:


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 9:47 AM

    Great job Lou! Congrats to Deviations! Gratz to all. Some great and classy players out there . Others too... we prevailed.. Lou's tourney showed the competitiveness of the cc's . and the class of most. At least you got to do one.      Gazz


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2011 9:51 AM

    Some of you sure have talent for ruining threads. I am locking this and if you have a problem with that, please contact me privately.
