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High ding rate = cheating?

Sat, Dec 31 2016 5:26 PM (437 replies)
  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 3:44 AM

    Exit .. stage right


  • tonyb2004
    154 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 7:26 AM

    A few weeks ago they banned my son...a Marine Corps Captain currently deployed..they accused him of being a duplicate account. Nothing that was said to WGT mattered.. They know it all..

    Before deployment he played from here on his lap top, the IP is the same as mine..  explained it to WGT to avail.

  • kensabre10
    2,890 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 7:45 AM

    something else these morons should be ashamed of! what ass holes


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 7:50 AM


    A few weeks ago they banned my son...a Marine Corps Captain currently deployed..they accused him of being a duplicate account. Nothing that was said to WGT mattered.. They know it all..

    Before deployment he played from here on his lap top, the IP is the same as mine..  explained it to WGT to avail.

    Thanks to your son for his service first of all.  For that IP doubling I don't know why they just don't say look multiple IPs running, then explain the issue and say only small stake meaningless stuff if go with any wagering at all.  If that's still an issue speak with them for at least a conversation.  Assuming he was not also wagering of course, but even then a warning to say no wagering with more than 1 IP rather than that???......Good luck in his deployment from me anyway.


  • Robert1893
    7,673 Posts
    Sat, Jul 30 2016 7:53 AM


    A few weeks ago they banned my son...a Marine Corps Captain currently deployed..they accused him of being a duplicate account. Nothing that was said to WGT mattered.. They know it all..

    Before deployment he played from here on his lap top, the IP is the same as mine..  explained it to WGT to avail.

    WGT's actions are unconscionable. They should be ashamed. 

    Thank you to your son for his service.  


  • SplashLewis
    358 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 10:07 AM

    As a Patriot fan, i find this awfully similar to deflate gate in that people "know" Patriots are cheating, yet the "actual sting" to catch them leaves more questions than answers i.e two gauges to measure the balls and not knowing what gauge was used at initial inspection, not knowing the Gas law, not explaining why the Colts balls deflated as well according to the gas law, etc.   Basically convicted on everything else but the sting itself.  lol.  Good reading it is.


    Just to comment on what someone said earlier, that "WGT has every shot ever taken in a Database".  As a software engineer for a software company that makes software for Call Centers (tracking millions of calls), it would be very very stupid and inefficient to keep all that data....also pretty expensive.  I would guarantee that they "roll up" the data then purge anything older than x time, whether that is weeks, months or a couple of years.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 12:16 PM

    As a Patriot fan, i find this awfully similar to deflate gate

    I've a vague idea what that is.

    It did make me think of the rule in athletics/sprinting where an athlete who reacts less than 0.10 sec after the gun is fired is disqualified.  This is because they say it's impossible for a human brain to hear and process that quickly.  There have been no court cases and few real complaints that I know of.

    Is what wgt have done here so different? Do they have ding rates from other top players that show this one a long way ahead?  That seems to be what they are saying, so either it's true or they're lying.  Is the latter likely?

    I haven't seen any figures, neither wgt or anyone that saw the round seems to want to give any.  I'm not surprised by the former and maybe nobody outside wgt watched it (try try again, lol).

    Yes the second trial, if as described, was a bad and unfair idea.

    I would guarantee that they "roll up" the data then purge anything older than x time, whether that is weeks, months or a couple of years.

    "Activity" seems to go back to May 3rd, 90 days, not sure if that will be relevant or not. 



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Aug 1 2016 9:39 PM

    I haven't seen any figures, neither wgt or anyone that saw the round seems to want to give any.  I'm not surprised by the former and maybe nobody outside wgt watched it (try try again, lol).

    If yo mean the "trial round" it was up on Twitch for a couple of weeks, and findings were exactly stated.

    Yes the second trial, if as described, was a bad and unfair idea.

    If we are talking Q still ? There was only one "trial" - see prev 1020 pages:).  Rest of points also covered off with all opinions, and so I won't repeat :)

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 1:02 AM


    Yes the second trial, if as described, was a bad and unfair idea.

    If we are talking Q still ? There was only one "trial" - see prev 1020 pages:).  Rest of points also covered off with all opinions, and so I won't repeat :)

    I was thinking of the first "trial" as the 30 days "dinging at 80%".


    I haven't seen any figures, neither wgt or anyone that saw the round seems to want to give any.  I'm not surprised by the former and maybe nobody outside wgt watched it (try try again, lol).

    If yo mean the "trial round" it was up on Twitch for a couple of weeks, and findings were exactly stated.

    Thanks for the information, it's been asked for quite a few times.  The circumstances and the score have been mentioned a lot and that he dinged at 40% during it.

    My point about the round is; you will also have noted in the "prev 1020 pages" that there is some confusion as to what shots WGT use to arrive at their 40%/80%, surely this round can provide the answer:  WGT say his ding percentage was 40% during it, simply count how many drives, approaches and putts he did and didn't ding.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2016 2:28 AM

    Shape shifting through the new flawless SSs that catches all cheats without a hitch or a natural who also learned the system inside out day ?