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Booo Legend

Wed, Mar 27 2013 10:34 AM (175 replies)
  • Bellabluesilver
    60 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 8:52 AM


    What I can't get my head around is last 2 scores yesterday 30+26 as amateur,today a ctth challenge as a legend and a 27 as a pro.How can that happen 3 different tiers not in order within 24 hours.

    its because they are monthly unlimited competitions, its the same for everyone but I guess that's my fault too, anything else you want to blame me for?

  • Heywood13
    53 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 9:17 AM

    career earnings of 91 dollars in 3 months?!, you are stealing from people as well!

  • Hewsey
    1,957 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 9:57 AM

    Cheat, don't cheat. Who cares. We all came to this game knowing this could happen. WGT can do nothing about it, they can kill that account they will just open another. As said earlier join a good CC, play among friends, & leave the rest to the gamers. I'm not saying don't get involved on this site for money, I'm saying do so at your peril, One of the first things I do when I look at a profile is time on the site & $$$$ earned, if the first point is little time & the second point is a lot of $$$, then IMO something is up. But, that's just me.

  • cchristi42
    57 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:01 AM


    What I can't get my head around is last 2 scores yesterday 30+26 as amateur,today a ctth challenge as a legend and a 27 as a pro.How can that happen 3 different tiers not in order within 24 hours.

    were the 30+26 monthly tourney's?

    As a tour master I still have a few tourney's that are tour pro, or master I believe.


    Though really to me there is no reason why this isn't changed, while your scores for the multi's on the tier you started them shouldn't go away, you shouldn't be able to enter them again once you have moved up a tier, well the multi you play the second+ time should be on the new tier anyway.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:07 AM

    my biggest problem here is how quickly you found the forums, how quickly you navigated the monthly tourneys, how much you know about most everything about this game.

    i'm pissed...........cuz it took me ages to even realize most of these things as I'd normally login so that i could just play.....let alone discover what all the buttons did around here.

    good job!....damnit

  • cchristi42
    57 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:11 AM



    What I can't get my head around is last 2 scores yesterday 30+26 as amateur,today a ctth challenge as a legend and a 27 as a pro.How can that happen 3 different tiers not in order within 24 hours.

    its because they are monthly unlimited competitions, its the same for everyone but I guess that's my fault too, anything else you want to blame me for?


    To be fair, he probably just hasn't done it before, though I am not quite legend yet, I am not that far off in a lot of the other stats, and I didn't have a SO or really anyone else that showed me the ropes, if I had, I probably would have tiered up even quicker.  Heck my main struggle today is reading greens, so even having someone that could assist me with that a bit would have been pretty huge alone.

    At the end of the day I think there are a lot of people who want this game to be more complicated or more difficult then it really is.  If you take anyone from just about any MMORPG/MMOFPS/Etc.. that played those games somewhat competitively, or hard core, they will pick this game up rather quickly.

    To everyone else, this isn't me saying this person is or isn't multi-accounting, and I do think there are red flags that WGT should look into accounts, but the simple fact is none of you have the information required to determine whether they are multi-accounting or not, so why worry about it.

    On a side note, thanks for leaving my tiers, will make the ready goes that much easier in the coming weeks :) 


  • cchristi42
    57 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:14 AM


    my biggest problem here is how quickly you found the forums, how quickly you navigated the monthly tourneys, how much you know about most everything about this game.

    Well the individual said they played world of warcraft, which has a pretty large set of forums, and community.  So put yourself in their shoes, if you were to go onto another game now, would you think to look for these things?  I know I did, once I decided I would be playing it a little more seriously then I originally intended (man I hate how I can't play games casually) they were the first things I looked for.


    The only thing I really don't like about a thread like this is someone complaining they are moving up, outside of clubs there is really no reason not to want to tier up if you are a competitive player.

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:14 AM


    my biggest problem here is how quickly you found the forums, how quickly you navigated the monthly tourneys, how much you know about most everything about this game.

    i'm pissed...........cuz it took me ages to even realize most of these things as I'd normally login so that i could just play.....let alone discover what all the buttons did around here.

    good job!....damnit

    exactly what i thought mate 

    happy hitting 


  • Mesmorizer
    614 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:35 AM


    why do you think we haven't played together? cause of people like you lot, if we did you would all say its cheating in another way, but hopefully when this is cleared up he will play with me, if I can get him off warcraft.


    LMAO you really dont know when to stop do you. OK so you dont play together because imagine what the people would say?......You must be smoking some good stuff. Seriously you want people to beleive I am this good because my future husband taught and told me everything. But as soon as you start playing the game he suddenly becomes a Warcraft junky, sells his equips.  plays but once a day and now this is your game?

    This is the reason people dont beleive your crap, just doenst make sense seriously take my advice ask them (WGT) to close this thread and STOP posting in it lmao.


    PS: opps forgot got to entertain the question just in case I am wrong, answer this question for me, Does your soon to be husband's CC suck or does he not like the people? Reason I  ask is I notice you dont belong to the same club? Must be a crappy lot for him not to suggest you even belong to the same club as him, you guys sure do try not to play  together.The ironic part is you state the reason you shoot so well is because of his knowledge in bringing you to this game. Starting to see the problems with what you are saying?  lmao!

  • senec
    252 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 10:53 AM

    Strange we have'nt heard from HIM at all in this thread.????