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Most Consecutive Days Played!

Tue, Oct 10 2023 5:24 PM (481 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sun, Jul 30 2017 4:33 PM

    I gave up my con days 

         did it fore a Friend  gone 


  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Fri, Aug 4 2017 6:21 PM


    I guess, at some point,  you must ask yourself......  "What the hell does it matter?"

    This sums it up perfectly.

    Great post LS!


    Yes, a nice post which would echo my sentiments to a T -- if I were at a certain level.  

    It certainly means something & matters to those who are trying to level up, but I guess that's not news to anyone.  :)


  • borntobesting
    9,755 Posts
    Sat, Aug 5 2017 11:05 AM

    When you look at the big picture.....  there is NO reason to accumulate the points, other than to level up faster.   I mean there's not even a liberal participation trophy awarded for consecutive play......  no sleeve of balls,  no "special access" to equipment......  no special tournaments.....   nothing.     Being at level 112, I can hardly see a reason to accumulate anything anymore.......   there has been zero addition of equipment I can purchase in the last 6 months (or longer) so what the hell does it matter?  It doesn't....

    I play every day. Not to accumulate XP points but because I still enjoy playing the game, I would play the real game every day as well if I could.

  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Sat, Aug 5 2017 1:36 PM

    Wow, several players with over 2000

    Makes me feel like an underachiever at only...


  • pmm711
    5,785 Posts
    Sat, Aug 5 2017 1:47 PM


    I guess, at some point,  you must ask yourself......  "What the hell does it matter?"

    When you look at the big picture.....  there is NO reason to accumulate the points, other than to level up faster.  

    Being at level 112, I can hardly see a reason to accumulate anything anymore.......   there has been zero addition of equipment I can purchase in the last 6 months (or longer) so what the hell does it matter?  It doesn't....

    Just my take............


    Once one hits Level 103 the CDP streak becomes more of a "mental" Like-to-have vs. Need-to-have thing.  I'm almost there too.  After 103 then I regain some of my mind back.

    EDITED: Well now I see they added CC perks up to CC Level the XP boost from CDP will assist CCs to take advantage of the increased perks for their members.

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,923 Posts
    Sun, Aug 6 2017 2:21 PM

    Wow, several players with over 2000


  • pmm711
    5,785 Posts
    Sun, Aug 6 2017 2:58 PM


    Well now I see they added CC perks up to CC Level the XP boost from CDP will assist CCs to take advantage of the increased perks for their members.

      Which is the most insignificant feature of the XP system . The CC will accumulate XP's even if it did not try or want to . The CC will automatically level up . It is unavoidable . There is no race in that category . There are no perks . Even from the earliest levels . Aside from shot and putter pal at level 4 . 

      VOTSCC is a perfect example . One of the smallest CC's . No interest in XP's . Almost Level 16 . So what ? 

    CC Level 19 gives 5 course builders a's worth getting there faster with the XP % bonuses in increased levels since they cost 400 credits per.  Free is better.


  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Aug 6 2017 9:18 PM

    CC Level 19 gives 5 course builders a's worth getting there faster with the XP % bonuses in increased levels since they cost 400 credits per.  Free is better.

    "worth it"? Let's have a look:

    Wooden Tee is high in L17 and still more than 15.5 Million XPs from L19. That's 14 year's worth of 3,000 XPs daily CDP :(

    For the necessary balls, you might buy a lot of Course Builders, and a reasonable effort with free CC Passes will - at once! - bring a free CB per Clash Event.

    Despite of their credit value, they are still dangling like carrots IMHO!