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stopped getting any CC messages/emails from WGT

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Mon, Mar 4 2019 10:48 PM (5 replies)
  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2012 3:36 AM

    l have stopped getting any messgaes/emails updates from WGT about new members joining my country club or old members going. no info about tournaments its has all stopped working......player to player messages/emails work OK.

    l have sent emails to WGT but got nothing back

    Regards Baconbutty


  • Adalanar
    282 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2012 5:18 AM

    not sure why - but i also do not receive emails from WGT anymore - just replies to the forums i still receive - checked the profile and found nothing wrong on my side

    1,267 Posts
    Sat, Jan 21 2012 8:12 AM

    Check you email service !  Messages only go to the account you first set up, so any changes from AOL to GMAIL or others will not be sent to a new e-mail .If that is the case I think you can contact WGT for a change in that easy enough.

    If not then it is another BUG of many !

    If so, then it would be nice for all club owners to be sent a list of bugs out there that are being worked on or cant be fixed .Just my thoughts on this alone .But why be a club owner if you cant help your own members !


  • spitfiregirl
    211 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2019 3:25 PM
    l have stopped getting any messgaes/emails updates from WGT about new members joining my country club or old members going. no info about tournaments its has all stopped working......player to player messages. This has been happening for a very long time. I have never had a different email so don't understand why I don't get any messages. I find out things about what's going on in WGT on FB. Really? There must be some way of them fixing this. Spitfiregirl
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2019 5:18 PM

    Make sure in Account>Contact Info the boxes are checked off to receive EMails.

  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Mon, Mar 4 2019 10:48 PM

    (Email problems)

    This has been happening for a very long time. I have never had a different email

    Try this user's workaround:

    - Enter a different mail address of yours,

    - re-enter the old one.

    It may also be good to check the filtering of your mail account - sometimes you need to pull someone out of the spam hole.