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Avg Score Question

rated by 0 users
Wed, Mar 6 2024 6:56 PM (2 replies)
  • ProfLongPutter
    5 Posts
    Thu, Feb 22 2024 7:28 PM

    Player A is Master - Level 95 - Avg Score 68.18.

    Player B is Master - Level 96 - Avg Score 67.65.

    Players A & B played St. Andrews together and both scored 69.

    Player A Avg Score did not change.

    Player B Avg Score changed to 67.63.

    I thought they would either both change -or- both stay the same.

    Any idea?


  • SamSpayed
    4,984 Posts
    Sun, Feb 25 2024 7:06 PM


    Player A is Master - Level 95 - Avg Score 68.18.

    Player B is Master - Level 96 - Avg Score 67.65.

    Players A & B played St. Andrews together and both scored 69.

    Player A Avg Score did not change.

    Player B Avg Score changed to 67.63.

    I thought they would either both change -or- both stay the same.

    Any idea?

    It's simple math.  At Master tier, your average is calculated on your best 40 ranked rounds played at Master tier.

    Player B had a higher score within his best 40 ranked rounds (maybe a 72 or something) that got knocked out of his "best 40" ranked rounds by the 69.  So his average was lowered slightly.

    Player A's highest score within his best 40 ranked rounds was already a 69.  So no change to his average.

  • ProfLongPutter
    5 Posts
    Wed, Mar 6 2024 6:56 PM

    Thanks for the explanation!