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The 2023 CEverett Alt-Shot World Championship

Wed, Jul 24 2024 1:52 PM (346 replies)
  • Wintertilt
    18 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 11:09 AM

    Wintertilt / Fiver50

    West Bracket

  • Mercury1969
    210 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 11:18 AM

    Mercury1969 & Pralaya, East!

  • Allqvie
    294 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 11:33 AM

    Allqvie & Jerseyjake72, East bracket please..

    Looking forward to this thxs for making it happen,




  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 11:35 AM




  • Dwightco633
    30 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 12:42 PM

    Ghost3715  and Dwightco633   West  Bracket 

    Thanks Dwight 

  • linkster4565
    6 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 12:51 PM

    Linkster4565/MyronA.  West coast

  • Beermoose60
    188 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 12:59 PM

    Beermoose60/TutaCandraP in the Eastern zone

    both TL's

  • Veber42
    25 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 1:20 PM

    Veber42 and cypher 772  


  • Borat74
    2,795 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 1:20 PM


    Eastern Zone

  • DeanDryliner01
    32 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2023 1:40 PM

    Deandryliner01 / JenJen85