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MistressCosette - RIP

Fri, Mar 31 2023 5:34 PM (21 replies)
  • Dave33200
    2,952 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 9:48 AM


    With great sadness I unfortunately need to inform the WGT community of the passing of a true legend of this game. I have been informed that MC (MistressCosette) passed away suddenly last week due to heart failure. For anyone who was around back when the old flash version of the game was going strong MC was best known for in-depth analyst of the game.


    MC was a strong member if the old Clash supper club called the Georgian CC, as well of MC’s famous blog that breaks down the physics of this game we play every day. MC has helped 100’s if not 1000’s of new, and old WGT players understand the in’s & out’s of this game with her in-depth analyst posted in her blog on her profile page.


    A veteran of the Navy, station on a nuclear submarine, and she also loved to play golf in real life.


    MC, you will be truly missed not only from our club, the N&F, but from the many WGT members you have helped in the 10 years you have been part of this WGT community.



    Godspeed, and RIP MC




  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 10:20 AM

    Godspeed indeed.


    Truly a WGT Legend.



  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 11:02 AM

    There's an awful lot of work put into that blog of yours MC, which I'm sure a great many use and appreciate very much.

    Rest in Peace MistressCosette.

  • mingos01
    3,457 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 12:29 PM

    Agree ...  so much good information there.

    It helps a lot.

    RIP MC


  • i1488
    44 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 12:30 PM

    Fair winds and following seas MC

  • jerrykrouse
    14 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 1:58 PM

    I never knew her, but I read her blog.  Made a PDF of her blog.  If you would like a copy just email me

    I will send you a PDF file of her blog.



  • Raclydie
    133 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 2:15 PM

    RIP MistressCosette😢

  • sammey1
    683 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 2:47 PM

    Her blog is legendary and extensive. Players of all levels can draw something beneficial out of it. If you need to rethink a part of your game there is likely a nugget in there to provoke thought.

    Rest in peace MC.


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 3:49 PM

    I'm writing this with a very very heavy heart and words can’t describe how sorry I am at this loss. 

    She's among the first ones I friended with here. I still remember how warmly she welcomed me when I first joined the Georgian, and with her in-depth analysis of the game, I was able to build my own methods of playing which I'm eternally thankful for. 

    To me, she is THE REAL HALL-OF-FAMER who was always willing to help anyone in need with such a sincerity and a devotion.

    What a wonderful human being who will be deeply missed. You’re in my prayers, MC. Rest in peace.


  • Luckystar5
    1,637 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 4:37 PM

    Truly a great one, loved her.   May God bless her