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2022 Andyson Memorial Tournament Scores

Sat, Aug 26 2023 1:43 AM (217 replies)
  • Slimjim001
    1,034 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2022 7:04 PM

    I don't know if this screen shot is going to post but I shot a 67 on Kiawah full 18. The grench got me.

  • magiceire
    62 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2022 7:14 PM

    Thanks Jim, you're a true gentleman

  • Shedlite
    917 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 12:22 AM

    Hmmmmm , dennis always enjoyed a good laugh due to WGT goofs. This one is a doozy, score history isn't showing. So anyone that completed first game of stroke play tournament if your score isn't posted i have no way to check if you played. (this is only for those i don't have a posted score for)

  • lonniescott711
    4,196 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 6:37 AM


    Hmmmmm , dennis always enjoyed a good laugh due to WGT goofs. This one is a doozy, score history isn't showing. So anyone that completed first game of stroke play tournament if your score isn't posted i have no way to check if you played. (this is only for those i don't have a posted score for)

    Yeah now I know . Just finished Kiawah with a 62 and noticed my scores aren`t posted . What is it with WGT . It never fails that with every update they break something else .So now what do we do ?

  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 6:45 AM

    But miffed I never spotted this from the off - my own fault entirely.


    Great that you've taken the time and effort to pay tribute once again to the memory of a true wgt legend that always made folk laugh with his witty contributions to these forums.

    I applaud every single player that's taken the time to raise a toast to Dennis by participating.

    Good luck to one et al.

    Cheers 🥂

  • MioKontic
    4,631 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 12:46 PM

    Here's my score at Kiawah for round 2 of the strokeplay.  Had to show my front 9 start, never started as good as that before...

    A little story (which I may have told before) about myself and Andy that I always have a chuckle at when I think of him...

    We were playing an alt shot game with 2 randoms.  Andy and I were on Skype.  As it was rather late in the UK I happened to doze off in the middle of the game.  Andy knew I was a fast player, so when my timer ran out once, and approaching a 2nd time out, and the fact I was not answering him, he realised what had happened, so he cancelled the Skype call and called me again, which woke me up just in time to take my shot.

    Was that quick thinking or wha!  :D

  • conveyorguy
    778 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 12:54 PM

    Still waiting to hear from Rosscowboyfan about our upcoming match...hope he answers soon 


  • HamdenPro
    2,442 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 1:32 PM

    Still waiting

    I saw your post and had to smile to myself. Just last night, a friend, GonFission, knowing how much I enjoy sorting through the threads, living vicariously, the fun that was once a common event, and can be again, sent me a few links.

    Golf with Mr Caddie fall 2018 - World Golf Tour (

    Golf with Gonfission winter 2019 (actually wicked early spring 2019 lol) - World Golf Tour (

    I could not help but smile the entire time while reading them.

    As soon as I saw your name, I started to LOL (for real) and, once again, a big grin was impossible to prevent.

    It is those shared memories that make these threads unique. To relive those experiences, reading them for the first time, transported back, as if I was there, or reading them each day as they were posted.

    It is things like that, and other contributions to the game, like Andysons', that truly made this "game" unique.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: As I was telling another friend last night, the Hoperman comic I have been creating, started as a "one off" to show appreciation for Scott, primarily is for members like you, and those who remember what these threads once were. Those who invented the "fun".

  • MioKontic
    4,631 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2022 9:00 AM

    HP - I can only assume you quoted ConveyorGuy by mistake?

  • conveyorguy
    778 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2022 3:40 PM

    well, i got my hat handed to me , but did manage to play 8 holes. 2 down to Rosscowboys fan. Well done my new friend :)