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Tue, Dec 21 2021 2:08 PM (30 replies)
  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 9:00 AM

    pressure for fixes.

    we can present a united front and make an organized effort to get real changes.
    Strikes have been proposed, e.g. against high ball prices, but HQ in SF stayed calm...

    We need more trees on the courses.
    We HAVE more trees, at least on one course.

    CCC suffered tremendous losses during the AT&T National 2012, but the count here has not budged.

    And then there are the invisible trees <gd&r>

  • HamdenPro
    2,527 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 9:14 AM

    but HQ in SF stayed calm

    AFIC, that's BC HQ in SF IMHO, ATM, has NFI how to FTFY, BC IRL fixes could be made ASAP or PDQ.

    FYI, JSYK, FWIW, and IYKWIM, WTSD is get MIO to look at the CPU BC OPY is not a programmer.



  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 9:20 AM

    The fact of the matter is thus ....A tiny, tiny  wgt player pool that is the wgt forums , is going to have no bearing on what wgt decide to do or not to do . 

    Now if people in droves were just not playing  as a result of the things highlighted in the  op's post and wgt were aware that this was the reason then for sure they would either change their priorities and fix it .

    There have been multiple posts ( by the op) and others regarding this ...the only time I remember wgt responding  was something by wgt champion saying something like we dont always respond , but we do read the posts.  While this is not exactly an acknowledgement its probably as close as people are going to get to one . They dont have any obligation as a business to respond to an extremely small minority of their customer base on a forum , would it probably be a good idea , yea for sure but dont hold your breath .

    I play poker on a uk site ...the software has been abysmal  for years , they came out recently  and said that they had no idea when or if the software would be updated /replaced and basically it is what it is you ask yourself whats the point of this little tale ?  Simply this , there have been a steady stream of players on their forum moaning about the software  for years , threatening to leave etc ...some have left , a lot have stayed  and continue to moan ,...and the software remains as it has been for years  and the business remains profitable ....see any similarities ?

    I  think I have pretty much nailed everything and highlighted the futility of threads like this , so it can now be closed  :) 

    p.s.  I dont have any issues with the software as it is , it is merely an online game escape  and i enjoy it 

    p.p.s  Perspective !

  • hambonez760
    9 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 9:25 AM

    And you look good in red!


  • HamdenPro
    2,527 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 9:37 AM

    And you look good in red!

    Tell me something I do not know.

    BTW, jeez, took you long enough! Do you not read the comments on your profile page?

    I know you are happy, have known for a long time. Figured it was just a matter of time until you came calling.

    A lot has changed since the old days.

    I like the profile pic, must have been put together by a very talented individual who has wonderful taste and an awesome sense of humor. Obviously that person must have liked you, at one time, to make that.

    You read the story of that guy that said to me "nice hole" when playing? I have to get in touch with him. A few more levels and it will be time for a new 3 wood, and I am considering letting him talk crap again. (We now have ability to hit the button to block chat - lol).

    Next time, you do not need to hijack a serious thread like this just to say hello, but it is sweet.

    You are always in my thoughts and was concerned, for a bit, you might have been covided or, worse, been reading Swan's thread.

  • hambonez760
    9 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 10:19 AM

    reply to my request and we will see


  • AlaskanDame
    19,768 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 10:20 AM

    While more should be done about green/red/busy, I disagree with the notion that nothing has been done.  This past Sunday, there was a new little box in the upper right corner of  the first invite I received while already in an ALT game.  It said “Visible to friends.”  I unchecked that box, then declined the invite.  I received no more invitations the rest of the 18 holes…..and I usually get about 10.  And my game didn’t crash.  

    In my club, we arrange ALT tees times like you would have to in real life.  Not just show up at the clubhouse and expect to find people not already playing.  We use PM’s or Forum threads (“Have 2, looking for 2 more for 8 pm Eastern time Friday” for instance.). They always fill, and game on!

  • HamdenPro
    2,527 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 10:35 AM

    reply to my request

    I see no request.

    I had a friend like you once, I eventually deleted him, as I do many who do not play with me, after a while.

    I have not heard from that friend in 11 months, 4 days, 6 hours and 21 minutes, but who's counting.

    I was ready to stop playing but I have many new friends now and have found much enjoyment in way things have been going. I have changed since I have stop hiding.

  • hambonez760
    9 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 10:37 AM

    I tried to send it, and balls for being a jerk, but wouldn't let me.



  • HamdenPro
    2,527 Posts
    Tue, Dec 21 2021 10:42 AM

    I tried to send it, and balls for being a jerk

    I blocked balls a while ago.

    I just checked and went through the 2,346 members I have blocked and, wouldn't you know it, you were one of them - LMAO - don't know who did that. hmmmm, those VEMLINS are everywhere.

    You are officially unblocked but gifts, as you know, have always, and will continue to be, unnecessary.

    I am not that way and that is not who I am.