hambonez760:And you look good in red!
Tell me something I do not know.
BTW, jeez, took you long enough! Do you not read the comments on your profile page?
I know you are happy, have known for a long time. Figured it was just a matter of time until you came calling.
A lot has changed since the old days.
I like the profile pic, must have been put together by a very talented individual who has wonderful taste and an awesome sense of humor. Obviously that person must have liked you, at one time, to make that.
You read the story of that guy that said to me "nice hole" when playing? I have to get in touch with him. A few more levels and it will be time for a new 3 wood, and I am considering letting him talk crap again. (We now have ability to hit the button to block chat - lol).
Next time, you do not need to hijack a serious thread like this just to say hello, but it is sweet.
You are always in my thoughts and was concerned, for a bit, you might have been covided or, worse, been reading Swan's thread.