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Mon, Jul 5 2021 6:56 PM (3 replies)
  • Drainit
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jun 23 2021 6:47 AM

    I have never posted before, and probably will not post again, but the situation with quitters is getting ridiculous.  During the past two weeks I've started noting the folks who quit or forfeit during a match.  The total?  EIGHTEEN in just two weeks, including FOUR people this morning--two in a stroke play match after 2 holes, one match play that ended after 3 holes, and another match play that ended when the "Legend" I was playing quit after losing the first two holes.  Last week, another "Legend" (in his own mind) quit after missing his par putt on the FIRST HOLE!  I know that things happen--phone calls that you have to take, repairmen who show up early or late, etc., and I've had to bail out of a match every now and then.  But I always write the other players in the chat and let them know.  It's a game, folks, and sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose.  Are there any suggestions from other players about how we--or WGT--can deal with this issue? 

  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Wed, Jun 23 2021 9:38 PM

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