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Cleveland wedges gone rubbish

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Sun, Aug 15 2021 6:16 PM (18 replies)
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  • Realracingguru
    10 Posts
    Mon, Jun 7 2021 2:47 PM
    Used the 3 wedges 56 60 and 64 for about 2 years, always reliable, around the ding for the 2 years. Couple weeks ago suddenly can’t get near the ding, they all shoot past! Even if I do occasionally get near the distances are random. Do they do this on purpose with obsolete clubs so you have to replace them?
  • Dex000
    109 Posts
    Mon, Jun 7 2021 4:45 PM

    Do they do this on purpose with obsolete clubs so you have to replace them?


    No, what you're experiencing is most likely VEM (Virtual Equipment Model). WGT uses it to make the game play more like real golf. Basically, when you start getting good, VEM steps out of the shadows and kicks you square in the nuts. It makes your accurately mapped clubs go long or short for no reason and your perfectly hit putts will slide by the hole when they should've dropped. Usually it only lasts for a few days and then things slowly go back to normal for a time until it starts over again. It's a constant battle, and eventually you figure out how to play around it when it happens... sometimes. 

    It's frustrating, but it's part of the game. 

  • Cicero733
    2,298 Posts
    Fri, Jun 25 2021 1:03 PM

    I have a Cleveland 64° wedge I have used for several years. Good club, good consistent results except for the past few weeks. It has “gained” distance, but is unpredictable. Shots are off by 2 - 3 yds. 50 yds used to be 90%; now some days it’s 87 - 88% for 50 yds. Maximum distance with full topspin was always 63 yds. Now it”s 65/66 yds. All full shots are affected, but not every time. Punch shots and flops are still consistent. Then some days, full shot distances are as originally mapped.

  • Dex000
    109 Posts
    Fri, Jun 25 2021 8:51 PM


      Lol . It is not just random like that . What is true though . Is that once you have played a shot a number of times and get good at it . VEM will tighten the sweet spot a little . The idea is to keep even the very best players continually challenged . This has the end effect of ensuring the game can never be beat . A perfect game can never be played .

    lol. It''s not random at all, and it's definitely not limited to specific shots you're good at. You're right about it being there to keep the game challenging, but it's a lot more than "tightening the sweet spot a little." When VEM kicks in, approach shots, putting, etc, are all effected. Part of the game is learning to adapt on the fly so you don't go from shooting -8 to shooting -3 under. 

  • BPeterson8256
    2,908 Posts
    Sat, Jun 26 2021 8:16 AM

    A common theme among mediocre players is spending lots of time trying to figure out if the equipment or game is faulty instead of trying to understand what they did wrong.

  • Dex000
    109 Posts
    Sat, Jun 26 2021 9:44 AM


    A common theme among mediocre players is spending lots of time trying to figure out if the equipment or game is faulty instead of trying to understand what they did wrong.

    This is true, just look at the crybaby reaction to the new version.

    The game and equipment play exactly how they're supposed to play. Once you learn what your clubs do and how to adjust to VEM, any mistakes and missed shots are on you.  

  • SamSpayed
    4,909 Posts
    Sat, Jun 26 2021 12:12 PM


    A common theme among mediocre players is spending lots of time trying to figure out if the equipment or game is faulty instead of trying to understand what they did wrong.

    Or blaming their bad shots on VEM.

  • sammey1
    681 Posts
    Sat, Jun 26 2021 12:52 PM



    A common theme among mediocre players is spending lots of time trying to figure out if the equipment or game is faulty instead of trying to understand what they did wrong.

    Or blaming their bad shots on VEM.

    Sometimes I attribute my good shots to VEM. 

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