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5th Anniversary

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Sat, Apr 10 2021 1:11 PM (4 replies)
  • mikey1961
    1,681 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2021 10:16 PM

    5 years ago after some internal arguments myself and 4 other guys decided to leave what was our current CC, so off we went and together we formed Castaways CC.

    Now 5 years down the line we are still going strong and now with the addition of the Covid pandemic we meet up 3/4 nights a week on the game and Skype for a few games and of course Alcohol and lots of p**s taking and laughs are a regular occurrence and to some extent WGT has been a bit of a mental saviour in these difficult times. 

    For all it's little faults this game has given me the opportunity to meet some wonderful people and one or two have become very close friends even one of them along with his lovely wife was the witness at my wedding and another has become my Canadian brother so to all intents and purposes this game has had a very positive impact on my life.

    Yes it's got its faults and i see a lot of players coming on the forum slagging it off but for the price of a few beers a week this game gives great entertainment and i'm sure in the future will only get better.

    So i will end this little story and raise a glass to our little CC and the guys that i have the honour of having them as fellow members and friends 


  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Thu, Mar 25 2021 5:31 AM

    Cheers to you and your friends, Mike!

  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Sat, Apr 3 2021 10:54 AM

    A wonderful story.  Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!

  • mikey1961
    1,681 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2021 1:11 PM

    Many thanks for your kind words fellas