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new "no flash" version

rated by 0 users
Tue, Feb 2 2021 5:45 AM (23 replies)
  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2020 1:25 AM


    And "Pin" that app/icon to your taskbar - makes it much easier to start the game client.

    I forgot already but it may just install on your taskbar - sorry I forget.

  • xxxhogheadxxx
    949 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2020 1:29 AM


    How can I change avatars?

     in the upper right of screen, mouse click your current avatar

    then in the pop up window, click on it again.

    you have the option to choose any jpg or such file to be your avatar at this time.

    --- you can also change it by editing your apparel - the game will ask you if you want to save as your profile avatar.  I always choose no since i have a different mixed up outfit i wear.  yep, i'm not color coordinated and no fashion sense.

  • goldputter3
    89 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2020 9:31 AM

    Without menu  I have to forfiet game after i quit, can no longer save game or just end game... am i missing it somewhere ???

  • DavStan
    255 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2020 10:47 AM

    click on the upper left corner of screen, it will give you your menu options on the left hand side of screen or just hit ESC key and it will bring it up.

  • sl8kid
    68 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2020 12:58 PM

    Thank you. that was very helpful. 

  • sl8kid
    68 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2020 1:09 PM

    Has anybody had trouble with the game freezing up? l can't make it thru 9 holes of multi player game without having to forfeit the game due to it freezing up 3 times. Any suggestions? My internet speed is 200 mbps I have an intel(R) core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @2.50GHz 2.50 GHz processor. & 8 gigs of ram.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,341 Posts
    Mon, Dec 21 2020 4:59 AM


    Has anybody had trouble with the game freezing up? l can't make it thru 9 holes of multi player game without having to forfeit the game due to it freezing up 3 times. Any suggestions? My internet speed is 200 mbps I have an intel(R) core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @2.50GHz 2.50 GHz processor. & 8 gigs of ram.



    If the alt game is a mix (some players playing from the launcher, others from flash) problems is a common thing. If by any chance you receive a message about your internet connection, go back to flash mode and turn your player always to be green and not red. You can change then your status (online/offline) only from launcher's settings.

    (eventhough either this does not work cause it shows you always green, but at least you get rid of freezes)


  • sl8kid
    68 Posts
    Mon, Dec 21 2020 11:16 AM

    we are all on the no flash platform. Now l've noticed that it even freezes on tournys. This is very aggrevating.

  • rookie54
    205 Posts
    Tue, Dec 22 2020 3:50 PM

    got a notification that the app needed to update

    two hours later and the app will not do a damn thing

    i am so tired of this crap

  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2020 1:17 AM

    Rookie54, you could try resetting the game for Windows by downloading and running this small file.

    It removes the WGT key in the registry forcing the app to renew it.

    After running the file (double click it to run it) and okaying a couple of security pop ups, (it only takes a couple of seconds), launch the game, or close and re-launch it if it's already running.