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Apparel ability not working.

Mon, Mar 20 2023 4:45 PM (11 replies)
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  • qtam2
    5 Posts
    Tue, Sep 1 2020 10:02 PM

    From 2020-September-01, When I play in beverly hills coin room(9 hole room), my apparel ability is not working. My driver distance was 283yds, but it was shortened about 272  yds or 270yds. 3Wood was also shotened.

    But, when I paly in chelsey room(1 hole room), everythin is good as before. My drive distance is ok.


    What's wrong with WGT beverly hills coin room(9 hole room)? Is that a bug?

    Or am I missing something?


    6,880 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2020 4:23 PM

    Maybe WGT has "Finally' Come to their senses and is slowly removing the ridiculous apparel cheat boosts...Which have no use in the game in the first place?? Of course I'm sure its just a glitch as I was just hopping they would remove something that is so far fetched as a "HAT" that can add 20 yards to a driver!!

  • PAT3361
    51 Posts
    Thu, Feb 23 2023 3:33 PM

    your not the only one to experience this, i have lost count the number of games I have lost to low level Pro's and Tour pro's alike because of this situation, it doesn't happen all the time but it has got to the point where i can almost tell the out come of the game after 1 or 2 holes, I have a 245 3 wood in my bag and have watched as it landed at 219 with a 20 mph tail wind, I have watched shots go as far right of the target as I aimed left into a right to left wind, i have witnessed almost every club in the bag come up miles short of their distance for no reason what so ever. If it were me hitting a bad shot then I would have nothing to moan about but that is not the case. My only conclusion, something which i beleive to be true for some time now, and a conclusion I have reached after 12 yrs of playing wgt, is that it is in a lot of cases predetermind, which if you think of it from a business point of view if pro's tour pro's masters etc where tossing all the time to genuine Legend & Champion players (not coin Legends) then those guys would soon loose interest and NOT play the game anymore so from a business stand point it makes good sense for them to win now and again or perhaps loose by a stroke or 2 only. It doesn't help however the seasoned player who is left scratching his head trying to figure out why his shot landed 30yards short with a hurricane blowing behind it!!!

    It also astounds me the level of control these same players get with free balls, hence why I STOPPED buying balls 

  • Squatch031
    193 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2023 7:13 AM

    Good for you!  I totally agree!  I tried that BS clothing thing when I first started but as I got better and started playing in various tournaments, which don't all clothing boost.  As they say, train as you fight, so I ditched all bonus clothing and bought some nice stuff in pro shop.  Amazingly, nothing changed in regard to distances, power, and accuracy.  In fact, my game is much better.  Clothing is a scam!

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,605 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2023 3:19 PM


    Good for you!  I totally agree!  I tried that BS clothing thing when I first started but as I got better and started playing in various tournaments, which don't all clothing boost.  As they say, train as you fight, so I ditched all bonus clothing and bought some nice stuff in pro shop.  Amazingly, nothing changed in regard to distances, power, and accuracy.  In fact, my game is much better.  Clothing is a scam!

    LOL Yup! The apparel enhancement does nothing good 'cause...

    1) It's not there when it matters. You can't use any of them in ranked rounds except for some clash matches AFAIK.

    2) Even in the coin rooms, I've seen countless players hitting some 20-30 yards further, but not able to hit it closer to the pin than me. It is not a longest drive contest but rather it's all about knowing and understanding what your club and ball would do on the given circumstances.

    So yeah, in a summary, it's useless.

  • MarchieB
    1,527 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2023 6:13 PM

    1) It's not there when it matters. You can't use any of them in ranked rounds except for some clash matches AFAIK.

    Yes, while apparel won’t work in any Tournament RR’s, you can actually play your RR’s with apparel ON if you play Solo Stroke play RR’s. 

  • PAT3361
    51 Posts
    Sat, Mar 18 2023 6:13 PM

    In my humble opinion a seasoned player would be one who achieved rank and stats by playing ranked rounds which was the ONLY way to improve on your average score, when i started playing the game in 2011, but that all changed with the introduction of the mobile game, i have asked wgt several times how players with little and in some cases zero ranked games achieve an ave score of 64.00! to be told by wgt that players averages are adjusted according to there scores in coin games! yet if I score say a minus 4/5 and on a few occasions -8 in coin games my average does not move by a single decimal point. 

    So when I speak of seasoned players I mean no disrespect to anyone who plays the game but I do take umbrage at this who manipulate the standing by making no attempt to improve on the ave instead happy to remain at tour pro level yet continue to gain level by level until you get to (as I encountered one night) a level 135 tour pro with all the top equipment and ball to match, needless to say game was over by the 5th hole I couldn't even compete.

    So to sum up the seasoned player doesn't need seasoning but a level playing field one were 1 rule applies to all would suffice, but no doubt in your EXPERT opinion i will be wrong

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